The Millionaire Mind Set

The Millionaire Mind Set

The Millionaire Mind Set

Millionaire Mind Set by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley (Andrews McMeel) bears consideration even if you don’t have the goal of becoming a millionaire.

A Nose for Opportunity


Millionaires are good at spotting opportunities that others do not see, finding a profitable niche, specializing, and thoroughly enjoying their careers or businesses.

Curiously, they also have a knack for investing, be it investing in the equities of public corporations, making wise investments, and being willing to take financial risk given the right return. Perhaps most vital: they are willing to live below their means.

On pathway to success, most millionaires regard becoming wealthy as the product of key elements. One is social skills: getting along with people, having strong leadership qualities, benefiting from good mentors, and having an ability to sell ideas and products. Also, being honest with all people, having a supportive spouse, and for many, maintaining a strong religious faith.

Like Water off of a Duck’s Back

Another key element is ignoring the criticism of detractors, while maintaining a competitive spirit or personality, wanting to be well-respected, possessing extraordinary energy, and even being physically fit.

Are such people lucky? Generally they tend to be well disciplined and well organized, which leads to ‘luck.’ And they are willing to work harder than most people!

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Jeff Davidson

Work-Life Balance Expert

Jeff Davidson is "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management. Visit or call 919-932-1996 for more information on Jeff's keynote speeches and seminars.

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