Finding ways for people to be healthier and better-educated is both a useful goal in itself, and also an investment that increases future economic production. When I find myself worrying, as one does, that the world is falling to pieces, it's useful to remember basic facts:
Every day, we become more aware of the speed at which the climate is disturbed, the depth of the disturbances and the progressively irreversible nature of the latter. And we understand that the energy community will be a strong contributor to the fight against this climate change. Almost all energy stakeholders have clearly identified it as an essential part of their agenda.
Does your company use hackathons? If you think that they are just for software companies and tech nerds then think again. Today every company has to be a software company and every innovator has to find new ways to meet customer needs.
Testing software is inevitable, regardless of what you are building: if the software you build is used, then it's being tested. Even if you write no test code, you will definitely still test what you build -- what's the point otherwise? The question is, though, will you automate those tests? Some would say without hesitation that we absolutely should have automated tests, regardless of what we are building or who's building it. I believe there is more nuance to this question, because automating tests takes engineering effort, and it's quite possible that that effort is not worth the reward in certain conditions.
For 2019, the key factors that we need to think about are what is going to be the outlook on three levels: monetary, macro, and earnings. Watch my entire interview at Real Vision here.
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