4 Remote Monitoring Challenges And Solutions

Remote working isn't an entirely new concept, although it somehow became the new normal when the pandemic hit.

As such, most companies and organizations are still adapting to this kind of setup. Business owners are now faced with the challenge of keeping up with multiple responsibilities, apart from ensuring that remote monitoring will be as seamless as possible. 

Regardless of the type and size of business you have, you'll have to deal with remote monitoring challenges at one point. Struggles are inevitable in the workplace, but it's something you can reduce and mitigate if there are enough precautionary practices in place. Knowing what to do when you encounter a remote monitoring challenge can help you come out of it with less impact on your organization.

If you're wondering what those challenges might be and what you can do to resolve them, here's a quick rundown that can help you out:

1. Recurring IT Issues

Since remote work heavily relies on technology, it can get disruptive if your team encounters recurring IT issues. It's good if you're able to provide the equipment and network that employees need for their remote work setup. However, if they're on their own, it's still your responsibility to ensure there'll be adequate IT support to handle the technical side of the business.

To eliminate such a persistent matter, you can consider getting the services of an IT company that specializes in providing remote support. Suppose you're from Toronto or the surrounding areas. In that case, you can trust Tenecom's Toronto managed IT services to take care of your entire infrastructure so you can focus more on growing your business.

IT issues can impact your remote team's productivity and efficiency. If you're able to provide dedicated IT support for your employees, they'll feel reassured knowing that they have someone to turn to whenever they need help with troubleshooting, along with other possible IT challenges they may come across.

2. Data Breaches And Other Security Issues

Another common challenge you're likely to face when remote monitoring is the threat to security and sensitive data. Your team may be connected to the company's home network, but their connections can't be entirely excluded from external traffic. This means their exposure to data breaches, hacking attacks, and phishing schemes increases.

Aside from training and informing your employees about data protection and privacy, you can reinforce several practices and methods that can strengthen the security of your organization’s data and privacy. Tap into different tools designed to help you achieve that goal, such as strong encryption methods and network firewalls. Implement a limit on the use of personal devices when accessing the company's network and data. You can also add an extra layer of security by setting up a virtual private network (VPN) to shield your network from potential breaches and other security issues.

3. Poor Communication

Establishing good communication is already challenging enough in a physical workspace. With a remote setup, you can imagine how doing so can get even more complex. Given the context of your employees working at their own pace and the time differences (in case you have staff members and vendors in foreign locations), communication will require more effort from both ends.

Regular communication should be established for better remote monitoring and project management. To make this happen, you can rely on online tools and software to better connect the team. You can also take advantage of various messaging features, video conferencing, and team meetings that allow you to collaborate efficiently despite the remote setup you have.

4. Decreasing Productivity

One of the toughest challenges you need to deal with when remote monitoring is the decreasing productivity among your workers. Remote or virtual work environments are often laced with distractions that can significantly influence employees' attitude toward work. As a result, their level of productivity may decrease.

It can also be that they're having a hard time adapting to the new setup and still figuring out an efficient work routine. No matter the reason, it's essential that you're there to back the team up to boost productivity for the organization's benefit as a whole. You can think of a strategy to provide the devices and other accessories they need to create a conducive home office. You can also utilize productivity tools such as time tracking software to better understand how your employees are doing so far.

Final Thoughts

Challenges and issues are already unavoidable in a traditional work environment. In a remote setup, you might feel overwhelmed by how those same problems can double up because of several factors. The best you can do is to be aware of such issues so you can devise a plan on how you'll resolve them as they come.

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