4 Trends in Digital Marketing Startups Need to Know

Anuja Lath 01/05/2018 6

A basic question that runs through our minds is “what makes a startup company successful?” Not all startups are successful, so what are the factors that decide a startup's success?

If you own a startup, then this is probably the right article for you to find your way to success. The most important factor for any business to be successful is to stay updated on the latest trends. If you wish to take your startup to the next level, it is essential that you know about these digital marketing trends.

Here are some important trends that every startup needs to know to succeed in the long run:

Inbound Marketing

Today’s marketing strategies are based more on inbound marketing, wherein the key focus is on customers. It is more customer-centric, unlike the traditional methods of marketing where the focus was only on promoting their business.

Statistics reveal inbound marketing is more effective, thus startups have a better chance to stay ahead if they prefer inbound marketing over outbound marketing! 41% of marketers confirm inbound marketing has a better ROI than outbound marketing.

Keyword-based content marketing, blogging, and promotion can increase inbound links for business by 97%. The more startups shift their strategies in line with inbound marketing, the higher the chances of success are. 

Big Data

What is big data? It refers to a bulk volume of data that is gathered using behaviour and predictive analysis. However, this does not only refer to scientific and analytic data only.

An in-depth knowledge of big data can be useful to startups in various ways. Big data is mostly used by marketing professionals to get a better understanding of their target audience. Not only does this let them analyze their own marketing strategies, but can also give them a more accurate evaluation of their success rate.

On a larger scale, big data can be used to understand demand and supply trends in your own industry. Data recorded over decades can be collected and analyzed as a whole to observe patterns and trends.

Personalized User Experience

With the scenario of marketing domain changing, the focus of businesses has now shifted from promoting products/services to giving a more personalized experience to the users. Not only is this being encouraged by the supplier of the product or service, but also by the audience or customers. More and more people are looking for a personalized experience.

Big businesses and brand are already making an effort to offer such experiences to their customers, so much so that it is now an established trend. Startups must also comply with this, or they might miss the bus to success.

Video Marketing

Videos are turning the tables around for a business in today’s digital world. Video content is said to be five times as engaging as static visual content. This trend is very evident, on every possible social media platform. Watch closely on any social media channel, the maximum engagement and visitors are related to videos.

Considering startups already have to face so many challenges, initiating video marketing is not easy. However, startups can leverage animations and GIFs, to begin with.

If a startup does manage to create and publish engaging video content, there is no doubt that it will give their online presence an instant spike in visitors and engagement.

If you’re the owner of a startup, we hope you got some ideas after reading this blog! If you have friends who own startups and think this article could help them, share it! If you think we missed out on some points, let us know in the comments below.

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  • Kumar Mohit

    Useful tips, thanks !!

  • Jade Watling

    Good tips !!!!!

  • Steve Harmston

    This could also be applicable for all organisations

  • Sam Dent

    Brillant post !!!!!!

  • Alice Cosgrove


  • Neil Bethell

    Good to know all these tips