5 Reasons Why Eating Clean Can Help You Become More Successful

Parul Agrawal 23/09/2018 8

Life these days is busy. While battling to stay on top of deadlines, emails, meetings and trying to find a balance between work and home, food is just not a priority. When we think of factors that help us in our personal or professional growth, food and that too healthy food is not given much importance. While juggling between multiple tasks throughout the day, it’s easy to focus on the quantity of food to fuel our starving bodies rather than the quality. Over a period of time the food that we eat could either drain all our energy or help us live the life of our dreams.

Enlisted here are five reasons that will inspire you to eat clean even with your busy schedules.

Increase in productivity

What we eat directly affects our productivity. Food fuels our body and provides our brain the energy it needs to stay alert. Processed high carb foods, like pasta, white bread, white rice and soda get converted by our body into glucose quickly, leading to a burst of energy followed by a slump. On the other hand, high fat foods such as burgers, pizzas, cookies, French fries, etc. require our digestive system to work harder, reducing oxygen levels in the brain and making us groggy. So focus on eating a clean diet rich in fruits and vegetables to keep the brain alive and enhances performance.

Improvement in overall health

You are your biggest asset and if you are constantly sick then it’s difficult to focus on work or family. Missing important meetings, events, follow ups or deadlines could eventually put your business, work or relationships in jeopardy. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. They provide antioxidants, phytochemicals and other essential nutrients that heal the body at the cellular level. Studies suggest that people who eat seven or more portions of vegetables and fruit a day have a 42 percent lower risk of dying from any cause, compared to those who eat less than one portion1.

Enhanced decision-making ability

“All disease begins in the gut.” -Hippocrates
A diet lacking low in fiber, use of certain medication, inadequate water intake and increased consumption of caffeine or alcohol can lead to constipation and poor gut health. A poor gut can not only cause abdominal pain, bloating after meals, reflux, flatulence but also headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and immune system weakness. More and more research is coming out every day suggesting that our brain health is directly link to our gut health2. It’s very difficult to have a clear mind, stay on track, take important decisions and have a laser sharp vision to define your life goals if your brain is clogged due to constipation. A healthy gut, on the other hand leads to a happy, healthy, alert and more productive brain.

Financial Benefits

When you are healthy, focused, and have the energy to be productive, you have a better chance of success at your work. You will be more creative, able to get more done in the same amount of time, and shine in your industry. You will save money, as you won’t be spending money on high insurance premiums or doctor’s visits. It’s a win-win for you and your company.

Increase in Libido

Many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and spices can regulate testosterone, increase libido, and significantly improve sex drive. Fried, greasy food such as burgers and fries dramatically decrease the male libido while increasing the amount of abnormal sperm production. On the other hand fruits such as watermelon and vegetables like garlic, onions and legumes contain a phytonutrient called citrulline, which the body converts to arginine, an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide levels in the body, which relax blood vessels in the same way a medicine like Viagra does3. A healthy sex life will improve your relationships with your partner which will eventually improve all other areas of your life.

So, if you are currently not eating clean, now is the perfect time to start this journey. 


1. “UCL study finds new evidence linking fruit and vegetable consumption with lower mortality”, University College London, April 2014.

2. “The Brain-Gut Connection”, John Hopkins Medicine.

3. Watermelon May have Viagra Like-Effect, Texas A&M Today, July 2008. 

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  • Tom Wilson

    Very good article that everybody should read. I am trying to eat healthy for a long time and have started today.

  • Paul Fountain

    Love it great advice

  • Louis Mayer

    In essence it's only not hard if you're motivated. If you're not motivated, I'd argue it's impossible.

  • Charles Gauthier

    I often hit the gym and eat a lot of chicken with steam vegetables and occasionally brown rice.

  • Kerry Schaefer

    This is actually immensely helpful

  • Chloe Warren

    Thanks for the tips Parul !!!!

  • Jasmine Sharratt

    To make it short : eat a lot of vegetables, and whole foods.

  • Ryan Green

    A very simple and very effective message to base your eating habits on.