6 Ways You Can Get Injured in a Bicycle Accident and What to Do

Daniel Hall 09/12/2022

If you think only motorcycles and cars get into accidents, think again.

From hitting a pedestrian to another vehicle hitting you, there could be several ways you can be involved in a bicycle accident. Moreover, it is not just the driver who needs to be aware of their surroundings. 

You also need to be on the lookout for any possible hazards, especially ones that could cause an accident. This is because you don't want to bear the hassle of the aftermath of a bicycle accident - getting yourself checked for injuries, arguing with the other driver, and, worse, getting involved with the cops. 

So what are all the ways you could get into a bicycle accident? Here are some of the most common causes. 

Hitting a Pedestrian

This is one of the leading causes of bicycle accidents. With more and more people walking on the streets, the chances of you hitting a pedestrian while riding your bike have increased. And if you're not careful, this could lead to a serious accident.

What to do:

  1. Be extra careful when riding in areas where there are pedestrians.

  2. Slow down and be prepared to stop at any time.

  3. Ensure you're always riding predictably so that pedestrians can see you and know what to expect.

Getting Hit by a Car

If you're like most cyclists, you've probably had a close call or two with getting hit by a car. While it's not the most common way to get into an accident, it is still possible - especially if you're riding in the street.

What to do:

  1. Be as visible as possible.

  2. Wear bright clothing and ensure your bike has lights so drivers can see you.

  3. Be aware of your surroundings and try to ride in areas with fewer cars. 

Hitting a Pothole

Not spotting potholes is another leading cause of bicycle accidents. Hitting a pothole can cause you to lose control of your bike, leading to an accident.

What to do: Be on the lookout for potholes. If you see one, slow down and try to go around it. Also, ensure you're riding in a safe area with fewer potholes.

Getting Doored

It would help if you always watched out for cars with abruptly opening doors. Getting doored occurs when a driver or passenger opens their door without looking, causing you to crash into it.

What to do: Be extra cautious when riding near parked cars. Try to ride in the middle of the lane so drivers and passengers can see you. And always be prepared to stop or swerve at a moment's notice.

Losing Control on a Turn

Taking a turn too fast is another leading cause of bicycle accidents. You can end up skidding or falling off your bike when you lose control on a turn.

What to do: Slow down when taking a turn and be extra cautious. Also, try to avoid making sharp turns if possible. If you must make a sharp turn, make sure you're going slowly enough that you can control your bike.

Riding into Traffic

If you ride into oncoming traffic, there's a good chance you'll get hit by a car. This can be either a front-on collision, or you may get run over by a car that's turning right at an intersection.  

What to do: Be aware of your surroundings and only ride in areas where there is no oncoming traffic. If you must ride in an area with oncoming traffic, make sure you're visible and go slowly enough that you can stop if necessary.

Final Word

Bicycle accidents can happen in many different ways. By being aware of the most common causes, you can help reduce your chances of getting into one and stay safe. Good luck!

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