Business Meetings: 5 Tips to Look and Feel Great

In this busy, fast-paced world it can be tough to find the time for self-love. What time we do have is spent lounging in front of the TV, trying to squeeze in some good exercise, or catching up with friends. The idea of indulging in habits that make our body feel good is like an added bonus, something we dream about but feel is out of reach. But that’s not true!

You don’t have to single out an entire hour to devote to self-love every day. A few minutes here and there is all it takes to give your body a dose of wellbeing. Looking and feeling good are intertwined, and you can tackle the two in one hit. Try these tips for looking and feeling great — you won’t need more than 15 minutes a day — and feel the difference.

1. You Are What you Eat

You can’t talk about looking and feeling great without mentioning food. As the popular adage goes, you are what you eat, and the first port of call when it comes to feeling better is improving your diet. To lessen lethargy, brain fog, stress, and negative thoughts, you have to cut out junk foods that tax your body and steal energy away from you. Late-night snacks are a no-go, and regular eating habits are your new best friend. 

Focus on veggies, try to have fish a couple of times a week, and make sure you get enough protein through grains and legumes. Eat the rainbow when you can, mix up the types of fruits and veggies you consume in your diet, and learn to embrace cooking. It’s good for the soul, nourishing for the body, and improves mental wellbeing, too. 

2. A 10-minute Routine to Feel Fresh

If only we all had the time and money for regular facials and massages! The thought of a daily self-care beauty routine might seem like a world away, but there’s plenty you can do in just ten minutes to rejuvenate your body and calm your mind. Here are our best tips for a 10-minute routine that’ll have you looking great: 

  • Ice cube facial: After cleansing your face, rub an ice cube over it to close and tighten your pores. The cold will also help to soothe and reduce inflammation. 
  • Rosewater spritz: Find some non-alcoholic rosewater and spritz it on your face regularly throughout the day for a natural toner with aromatherapy benefits. The smell of rose is immediately calming, relaxing, and blissful. 
  • Massage your neck: You can do wonders in just a minute or two. Take some time out to rub a bit of cream or oil into your hands and massage your neck. This will release stress, loosen muscles, and improve blood flow. 
  • Dry brush: Get your hands on a body brush and spend five minutes to quickly exfoliate your skin. Dry brushing is amazing in many ways, it smooths your skin and increases circulation while also encouraging lymphatic drainage. That means your body expels toxins faster so you have clearer skin and better health. Use upward motions towards your heart to encourage proper removal of wastes.

3. Sweat a Little

We all know how exercise can help improve your appearance. Better skin, healthier weight, more muscle tone … there’s plenty of feel-good benefits to attain from exercising. And you don’t have to hit the gym four days a week to feel the benefits of exercise, either. 

Try to work a little sweat into your day or week by finding the time for short workout routines, morning or evening walks, or even just jogging on the spot for a minute or two (you can do jumping jacks instead if you prefer). 

Exercise helps to reduce stress, increases your overall energy levels, boosts metabolism, and aids in weight loss. At the same time, when you sweat you’re releasing toxins from your system so improving your overall wellbeing. Next time you’re waiting for the kettle to boil or food to heat up, try jogging on the spot and see how you feel afterward. 

4. Get that Sleep

Let’s be honest, adults are just giant babies, and we need a good night’s sleep more than we realize. Sleep is crucial for both your mental and physical wellbeing - that translates to feeling as well as looking good. 

When we sleep, our bodies heal themselves, process thoughts and emotions, and get rid of accumulated toxins. Sleep improves mood, memory, positivity, energy. It encourages weight loss and reduces stress. What’s not to love? Try sleeping an hour earlier each night and see if you notice the difference. 

5. Drink Lots of Water

Water is life's essential medicine. Getting enough water hydrates you from the inside out, to boost energy levels, improve skin, help flush toxins, regulates our bowels, and prevent cravings for snacks. If we don't get enough water in the day, our cells shrivel up and we can start to look scrawny and unhealthy. 

For a healthy dose of medicine that makes you look and feel good — reach for that cup of water every day. At the same time, try not to overdo it. The average person needs only around 1.5L of water per day to give their body what it needs — any more than that and you’ll be taxing your kidneys. 

Looking Good Comes From Feeling Good

If you thought you were too busy to indulge in feel-good habits, hopefully, this article has changed your mind. There are so many little things we can do throughout the day to give our body a boost, and once you become accustomed to it, it becomes second nature to find the time for all these small actions. 

What seems like a minuscule thing builds up over the days to make your body feel great and keep you looking healthy, nourished, and at ease and you will feel the difference in your next business meeting.  

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  • Rian Emptage

    Small things can make a big difference.

  • Giuliano Di Battista

    If only I had time to take care of my body

  • James Lloyd

    Wish me good luck for my next business tips

  • Ashley Davidson

    Self care is so important

  • Tim Clarke

    Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  • James Larkin

    I'm stressed out and this can help me greatly!

  • Lee Parker

    Thanks for all the tips.

  • Demian Galic

    Def trying some of these!