Empowering Your Team Leaders

Empowering Your Team Leaders

Daniel Hall 26/11/2021
Empowering Your Team Leaders

Suggestions of Bill Gates are not a story narrative.

Employees derive power from their leaders. Empowered employees and effective leaders are the necessity of a company for its successful future. As the number of young people increases in the workforce, it becomes more and more necessary for the economy.

Young people understand the need to develop as leaders and feel powerful. Such employees do not get involved in anti-organizational activities. They remain engaged in productive activities and work for the organization’s benefit.

How To Empower Future Leaders?


The young workforce gives weight to companies that support the policy of developing social good. Almost 70% of millennials favor “civic engagement” and “giving back to society” factors. Around 87% of them believe that the business’s success should not only cover its financial performance.

Let us now list down the strategies helpful in developing empowered future leaders.

1. The Power of Community 

In older times, people used to say that a child needs community to raise him or her. A peer group gives a platform to like-minded people to come together, grow relationships, exchange ideas, and learn teamwork. However, every group is not correct for everybody, and all groups are not similar. 

A group having people of a similar mindset and same goals achieve success faster and hold it. A peer group must not only have professionals from organizations of the same industry and revenue size. The individuals must have open minds, visions, and a desire to teach and learn.

Furthermore, bonding and trust are two necessary constituents for a successful peer group. Peer groups offer a great way for your company leaders to connect with other like-minded people and solve problems together.

2. Share Your Aims and Vision with Future Leaders

Once you set a vision, share it with your future leaders in a simple way. A vast unstructured concept will create confusion, and your employees become helpless to relate it.

You can ask some questions to your young leaders to ensure that whether your vision appeals to them:

  • Does the vision or plans appeal to their passion?
  • Is your vision capable of providing immediate and substantial results?

If answers to these questions are positive then you are on the correct way to developing a vision that will create empowered future leaders for your organization.

3. Provide Space to Their Contribution in Your Vision

You should provide a platform to your employees so that they can contribute to the vision. Encourage the millennials to participate in producing tangible and measurable results. Announcing incentives is a great way to encourage your workforce to contribute in their way. You have to give them a role in your vision to make them future leaders of the organization.

4. Respect Their Input and Opinions

Disrespect demoralizes the employees faster than anything else. Respect your employees to feel they are equal or superior. Create an environment where your employees feel free to express themselves and bring up ideas for improvement. Respect their inputs and opinions whether you acknowledge or disagree with them. Respond positively to receiving suggestions from your workforce.

5. Never Make a Communication Gap

Encourage the environment of open dialogues. This practice can bring up ideas for improvements. It is the best possible way to get feedback on new policies or any other changes made recently. The communication flows from all sides, i.e., from bottom to top, side to side, and top to bottom.

It is an old saying that innovation comes out of communication. Sometimes getting personal is good. Sharing family matters, asking about outside work life and hobbies matter a lot to your employees. They feel empowered by this communication from top management.

6. Give Recognition to Effort and Success

If you let the effort of your employees go unnoticed, they will never try anything new and innovative. Innovators are the backbone of any organization. Allow them to take a risk and reward them for their efforts and success. This process encourages the employees, and you can extract the future leaders from the workforce.

Remember, success breeds success. Nothing tastes better than success after effort.

7. Avoid Being a “Helicopter Supervisor”

Like the helicopter keeps on rotating above the head all the time, a Helicopter supervisor keeps on monitoring employees every time. It hampers creativity, and employees feel tied up. Micromanaging is another word for helicopter supervising. 

Allow your workers to do old things in new ways. Placing them in the place of opportunities will boost their morale and empower their leadership quality. Junior-level employees attending higher-level meetings will give them the essence of their growth. Let employees tackle the problems at their level.

If they find solutions to challenges, they are capable of handling more critical issues in the future. Make them work as a team.

Plan Strategically to Empower Future Leaders


Every point on the list is a strategy to empower future leaders. It is an essential part of organizational future planning. Depending upon the demand of the business, steps can be taken in short and long terms. Young people entering the workforce are more aware of their responsibilities as well as their rights.

Empower your future leaders to ensure the long-term sustenance of the business. It is for the well-being of the organization which needs immediate action.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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