How to Build Long-Term Relationships With Customers

Anas Bouargane 01/07/2020 4

Many brands want to know how to build and maintain long-term relationships with clients.

Building relationships in marketing is one of the significant factors deciding whether campaigns will end up successful or not. Modern mass marketing rules were first introduced in 1960 and have been around ever since. Every day they are improved and enhanced by the implementation of new strategies and advertising techniques. With all the smartphones, social media, and digital technology, it may seem that maintaining long-lasting relationships with customers is easier than ever. But is that so?

Companies have access to countless channels, platforms, and more importantly, customer data. They can better than ever understand and engage with the customers. However, brands rarely use this unique chance properly. The use of client data is usually done awkwardly, starting from targeting people with spam to automatically prolonging yearly subscription without asking for customer's consent first. Although it may be satisfying for the brands short-term, it is most likely that the long-term effect will be the opposite of what is expected. Instead of gaining customers' trust and loyalty, companies tend to get reputations for being spammers and cheaters. And that is not the goal.

If you are a brand, what do you do to make a customer stay?

Know Customers’ Needs

First and foremost, companies should focus on the people, not on the product. While most brands boast about their product's efficiency, durability, or price, they forget about the customers' needs. And these are the single most important things companies should be addressing. People do not care if the product lasts three days more; they care if it helps them solve their problems. Think of yourself. Which brands do you prefer to follow on social media - the ones that talk about their stuff, or the ones that talk about you? The chances are that the latter is of your better liking.

To bring people closer together, companies should consider building customer relationships, as if they were making any other friendship. That is what it should be - a friendship. Based on a mutual understanding, trust, and loyalty. It is good to remember that a stick always has two ends. On the one hand, a brand has a product to offer.

On the other hand, a customer has money to spend. Whether this exchange succeeds is determined by the relationship, both sides are willing to create. Most of the time, the starting points are that a customer has an issue, and a firm has the solution. Well-thought communication should lead to a both-side satisfaction.

Be at the Client's Disposal

Have you ever waited on the telephone contact line for hours and had no response? We have all been there. No matter if it is a multi-million dollar airline, or a boutique shop next door, some companies just do not answer quickly enough. As a result, they end up losing potential customers and leaving the existing ones feeling neglected or even furious. Optimizing the communication time should be a priority to most of the firms. It is an easy and affordable move to make for the company to look more reliable and customer-centered. It can either be done by buying a subscription to a chatbot solution or outsourcing this task to a telephone answering company, such as

Ask for Feedback

There is nothing better at rating a company's work than an honest client's feedback. Most of the brands avoid asking for feedback, in fear of getting a negative one. Interestingly enough, negative feedback is as crucial as the positive. Why? There are two main advantages of criticism.

Firstly, the company will know where, what, and how to improve things that are not so great. Listen carefully to the customers. Most of the time, they will share opinions based on their poor experience and give you suggestions on how to do better. You get free valuable advice. They get their voice heard. Sounds fair?

The second advantage of negative feedback is that paradoxically it makes you look more credible. I do not mean negative feedback only, but a couple of wrong opinions is a good thing. It tells people you are making mistakes and learning from them. It makes a brand more of a human than a brand.

Use Social Media

Talking about being more human, start using social media for your brand. It is an incredible tool that many people underestimate. Social media is for emphasizing the brand's general idea and mission. It is not an advertising channel. It is a way of connecting and communicating with customers. Social media is only going to expand, so if you are against it, better change your mind, for you are neglecting a priceless opportunity to build genuine, long-lasting relationships with your clients.


Brands that have mastered building a sustainable relationship with the customers do three things amazingly. Firstly, they know their customers both individually and as a group. Secondly, they actively listen to them and answer their needs. Lastly, they communicate to them in multiple ways and on various channels. Follow those companies' steps to build long term relationships between your firm and the customer.

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  • Matthew Robinson

    Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first

  • Chris Pointer

    Marketing has slowly evolved over the years from mass advertising to building better customer relationships.

  • Jordan Iveson

    Good read

  • Daniel Barnett

    Thanks Anas