How To Grow Your Business With Content Marketing

Karl Kangur 15/09/2020 5

Content marketing is no longer considered a new or an up-and-coming digital marketing tactic.

70% of marketers are investing in it, which makes it one of the most popular tactics out there.

No matter how large or small your business is, you can definitely benefit from utilizing content marketing. This article will show you exactly how you can use content marketing to grow your business.

Relevance = Improved Rankings and More Traffic

The key to content marketing is relevance.

It’s not about writing content and posting it. It’s about finding relevant keywords that have a competition you can outperform, thus improving your rankings and boosting your website traffic.

Before you publish any piece of content, do some keyword research and find keywords that are:

  • Relevant for your brand and blog

  • Relevant for your target audience

  • Have a decent amount of monthly traffic

  • Not already overrun by large brands you can’t compete with

Once you have identified these keywords, focus on writing a quality article – cover the point in-depth, optimize the post well, use relevant and quality images, and format it well.

After the post is published, make sure you also promote it across social media and build links to it. This is where the “not overrun by large brands” part comes in. You want to look for keywords where the top-ranking posts don’t have more links than you can reasonably build to your own post. This will ensure you can rank at the top and attract more traffic.

Social Media as a Way to Build a Larger Audience

Posting a variety of content on social media can help you build a following and increase your brand awareness. However, you have to consider what your audience is looking for, and not just post what you feel like. Of course, you should, by all means, post something you feel like, but try to aim most of your social media content towards different members of your target audience at different stages of the sales funnel. For example, you can post: 

  • images of your products or your services in action, your team, your customers, and so on

  • videos – demos, interviews, snippets of your day at the office

  • stories

  • carousels 

Try to keep your content varied, but united by the same voice and message.

Also, make sure to share the content your users are posting of your product or brand, as this is a great way to build a relationship with your audience and widen your reach.

Generate Leads with Gated Content

Content is also a fantastic tool for generating more leads.

First, create a piece of content that provides more value than the content you usually post. You can go for longer-form content (such as e-books or case studies), or even different forms, such as podcasts or videos. The main point is that there needs to be some specific value in the gated piece of content.

Then, you need your visitors to opt in – i.e., leave you their contact details, in order to be able to access this content. This way, you gather more leads whom you can later market to.

Be careful, though, as you really need to make it worth someone’s while to sign up to your list. You don’t want to dangle a tasty carrot in front of them in exchange, and have it turn out the carrot was just a decoy.

Build Trust with Quality Content

Content marketing is an incredible way to build trust in your business, establish yourself as a thought leader and an industry expert, and elevate your level of expertise significantly.

To do that, you will again have to focus on providing true value with your content. You’ll need to demonstrate your knowledge and experience about a certain topic.

This translates into covering topics you actually know a lot about. In reality, these topics might not always be centered around keywords you can rank for. Don’t sweat it if the keywords are more competitive, though – having truly valuable content will attract readers, even if they don’t find you in search engines.

You can promote this kind of content on forums, social media, and other blogs, and still attract an audience.

A great example of the kind of content we have in mind is this post about sleep science. The website has established itself as an expert in the field of sleep, and their content is reviewed by a doctor or a scientist, lending extra credibility to their statements.

You don’t necessarily have to do the same – if you can convert your own expertise and knowledge into valuable posts, you won’t have to bring an expert on board.

A Great Return on Investment

Ultimately, you also need to know that content marketing done right will outperform paid advertising.

First of all, content is here to stay. The more you keep investing, the more resources you will have, all of which will accumulate to provide better results. Paid ads are paid ads – when you stop paying, the music stops playing.

You should also know that content marketing is considered organic, while paid ads are almost always labeled as such and people will see them as money for exposure. Organic content marketing will often not be perceived as advertising at all.

The ROI of content marketing is often better than that of paid ads – meaning you will get more bang for your buck, and achieve great results with a lower price tag.

To Sum it up

Content marketing is a great way to enhance your brand’s online presence. Take into consideration all of the facts we’ve outlined above, and if you haven’t already, start investing in it. 

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  • Chantel Napier

    Content marketing is a safe bet for any business

  • Steve Shonhard

    Good tips

  • Jayne Sherridan

    Content marketing is more relevant than ever.

  • Courtney Cowie

    Good post

  • Liam Turnbull

    Excellent content no pun intended !