Let’s be Clear about Digitisation, Digitalisation and Disruption

Andrew Chow  21/11/2018 5


Digitisation is the conversion of manual format to digital format using technologies.

Digitalisation is Integration of technologies into everyday life.

Disruption is causing a challenge that interrupts your competitor’s business.


Digitisation is about processing information.

Digitalisation is about drawing intelligence from these information.

Disruption is about creating agile innovation from these intelligence.


Digitisation involves new learning of knowledge and skills.

Digitalisation requires new development of character and values.

Disruption demands a new attitude towards life and work.


Digitisation is about doing the work better for now.

Digitalisation is about seeing the Future of Work.

Disruption is about the creating the Work of the Future.


Digitisation can lead to serving existing customers better.

Digitalisation helps us to find new customers faster.

Disruption is to create a market which never existed before.


Digitisation usually begins with an idea to improve something.

Digitalisation is the concept that ensures the idea gets to be implemented.

Disruption is having a vision to change the world into a better place.


Digitisation is playing by the rules of advancement.

Digitalisation is raising your game of advancement.

Disruption is creating a new competition with your own game and rules.

Digitisation may not lead to eventual disruption but a disruption always requires digitalisation.

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  • Phil Evans

    Good piece

  • Callum Jacob

    Excellent explanation

  • Alan Harris

    Everything is crystal clear in mind now !!

  • Scott Culling

    What an innovative way to explain the difference between these words !!

  • Ashley Hahn

    Great poem !!