Reasons Why You Might Need the Help of a Workers' Compensation Lawyer

Daniel Hall 03/02/2021 1

Workplace injuries are common and are often caused by different factors.

If you suffer from work-related injuries, you may be eligible to get compensation from the employer or their insurance companies. All companies in different states should have workers' compensation insurance to protect their employees. 

However, the claim process can be complicated depending on your injuries. There are various steps that you should consider to avoid such issues. Read on to learn the reasons why you might need the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer.

Reasons Employers and Insurance Companies Can Offer Little Settlements

The employers can offer little settlement to the injured employees to prevent the insurance rates from rising. In some instances, the employer can pressure the injured worker to understate their injury so that they can reduce the amount of compensation they will pay. 

On the other hand, the employer’s insurance company is also concerned about maintaining a healthy profit margin that leads to denials of specific injury claims.  The workers’ compensation system consists of complex rules that may be difficult to understand. If the rules are not carefully followed, the injury claim can be dismissed. As a result, deserving people can be denied their right to get benefits for the injuries they suffered at work. Therefore, it is essential to get help from an experienced lawyer to overcome such hurdles when you file an injury claim. 

Get Legal Advice 

When workplace accidents occur, the victims often experience huge medical bills and they may also lose some income as a result of the injuries. Luckily, most employers are required to get workers' compensation insurance to protect the workers against work-related incidents. However, In Georgia, it’s common for some employers may still try different tricks to underpay the injured workers or avoid paying altogether. If you live near Georgia, it is crucial to enlist the services of a Georgia Workers' compensation attorney to ensure that you get a fair settlement if you are injured at work. The benefits that you get after a workplace accident help to cover income loss, medical expenses, pain, and suffering.

Navigating workers’ compensation claims can be challenging, and this is the primary reason why you need to hire a professional lawyer if you want to get the compensation you deserve. Your attorney can also conduct some legal research on different statutes and laws to establish the merits of your case. Experienced lawyers also know how to interpret various laws to hold the parties involved accountable for their actions.     

Gather Medical Records

Your lawyer will also play a critical role in gathering all medical records and relevant evidence that can support your claim. An experienced attorney can also consult other medical practitioners to evaluate the severity of your injuries so that they can determine the right compensation. On top of that, they play a role in communicating with your employer and the insurance company about your condition and when you’ll be able to return to work.

Appeal a Denial 

If your employer denies your claim whatever the reason may be, your lawyer can help you litigate the case if necessary. For instance, employers can decline to pay the injured workers if they already had existing injuries before workplace accidents. However, your lawyer can review your case and appeal your employer’s decision to deny you a settlement. When it comes to litigation, expert compensation lawyers know how to handle different cases that involve workers' compensation. Your lawyer can also draft the appeal and represent you in court to increase your chances of getting fair compensation.       

Negotiate a Settlement

Your workers' compensation lawyer can negotiate a settlement on your behalf if the insurance company disputes your injuries. As you are now aware, insurance companies are in business, and they are primarily concerned about profit margins. As a result, they often provide lower settlements to the injured workers to protect their interests. 

For that reason, your lawyer can negotiate a better settlement if you find yourself in such a predicament where the insurance company does not want to pay you the benefits that you deserve. An experienced lawyer will know how to negotiate and know how to deal with insurance companies. 

Workplace injuries are caused by various factors and the victims are entitled to get compensation. In different states, all employers are required by the law to have workers' compensation insurance to protect their employees. However, in some cases, the employers and insurance companies can dispute the compensation claims filed by the injured workers in order to avoid costs of treatment. To avoid such a situation, it is important to enlist the services of a professional worker's compensation lawyer to handle your case. Experienced lawyers can also review all kinds of necessary details to come up with fair settlements for their clients. 

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  • Simon Clapton

    Compensation lawyers have a higher level of expertise in specific types of injuries