Top Causes of Florida Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Felix Yim 23/10/2023

Florida is one of the most dangerous places for drivers in America.

In fact, it comes in at number three on the list of states with the most car accidents. Fortunately, car accidents can be avoided in many cases. The following is a list of the most common causes of car accidents and how they can be avoided.


There is a reason that speed limits are in place. They have been calculated by experts who have determined that the speed limit is the maximum speed that one can safely drive on that road. When you speed, it is harder for you to make turns. You are also more likely to lose control of your car.

Furthermore, it is harder to stop your car when you are going over the speed limit. That is why it is important to drive at or below the posted speed limit.

Distracted Driving

In 2022, there were 3,552 lives lost in Florida Car accidents and 226 deaths occurred in Palm Beach County. Studies estimate 8.5% of all fatal accidents are caused by distracted driving. Anything that you do other than driving will take your focus and attention off the road. This includes texting, playing music, using your social media, and eating.

Many people would never get behind the wheel if they have been drinking. However, if you are doing anything behind the wheel other than driving, then you are engaging in an activity that is just as dangerous. Keep your attention on the wheel so that you can look out for all the hazards on the road and react to them in time.

Drunk Driving

The legal intoxication limit in the state of Florida is 0.08. A 180-pound person can reach this alcohol limit after five beers in one hour. However, a small amount of alcohol can slow down your reaction time and impair your judgment. That is why you should not drive after having any amount of alcohol.

Bad Weather

Hurricanes and heavy rain are examples of some of the bad weather that you may encounter while in Florida. You cannot control the weather, but you can control your driving habits and stay safe. Bad weather can make it harder for you to see. Wind and rain can cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

Check the weather before you leave for your destination. If the weather is too bad, then it is a good idea to wait until it improves. Pull over to the side of the road if the weather gets too bad while you are driving.

Reckless Driving

Not using turn signals, running stop signs and traffic lights are examples of reckless driving. These behaviors make the road more dangerous for everyone. Not only should you avoid reckless driving, but you should also look out for other drivers who are engaging in dangerous behaviors. Report reckless drivers to the highway patrol in your area.


Car accidents can cause devastating injuries and death. Common causes of collisions can be avoided by behavioral changes. Avoid distractions while driving, speeding, and driving after consuming alcohol. While some hazards like weather are out of our control, we can all make choices to keep everyone safer on the roads.

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