Unlocking the Power of AI: Driving Workforce Agility and Insights

Helen Yu 14/06/2023

With AI-powered workforce planning technology, organizations can break down silos, automate repetitive tasks, and update reporting based on real-time data.

In today’s rapid changing environment, organizations need to harness the power of data to drive actionable insights and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape. Data alone is not enough. Without proper analytics and data contexts, organizations face challenges turning data into business impact. The sheer volume of data can be overwhelming without the right tools and strategies to extract valuable insights. This is where the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and workforce strategies becomes crucial. By leveraging AI-powered analytics and workforce planning technologies, businesses can enhance their agility, make informed decisions, and create a culture of productivity and innovation.

In the latest CXO Spice, I had the pleasure of hosting Phil Willburn, VP of People Analytics at Workday, to delve into the intersection of AI and Workforce Strategies. Phil shared valuable insights on the four-phase evolution of workforce analytics and planning: Reporting, Research, Creating Skills and Creating Value.

Here are my key takeaways from our conversation:

  • Agility and Insights (re crucial for fostering a productive workforce culture, where people see their contribution to growth through follow-through on initiatives.

  • Workforce planning technology plays a significant role in enhancing productivity. It breaks down silos, automates repetitive tasks, updates financial and operating reporting based on real-time information, and identifies workflow inefficiencies.

  • Workday provides a secure platform that enables people to plan, execute, and analyze efficiently. With real-time data for multi-dimensional analysis and tailored insights, information is no longer buried, empowering strategic planning and decision-making.

  • Automation is not just a nice-to-have feature anymore, it has become a must have competitive advantage. Real-time insights gained through automation allow companies to make informed decisions promptly

Looking ahead, we have the opportunity to unlock new levels of AI (Agility & Insights) for employees and customers. From personalized training and development programs to real-time data insights that drive growth and innovation, the possibilities are endless. By streamlining workflows, breaking down silos, and automating repetitive tasks, employees can focus on more strategic work that truly creates value. 

In today's dynamic business environment, fostering agility and providing actionable insights are crucial for creating a productive workforce culture. Employees need to understand their contribution to the organization's growth and see the follow-through on initiatives. With AI-powered workforce planning technology, organizations can break down silos, automate repetitive tasks, and update reporting based on real-time data. This empowers employees to make informed decisions promptly, streamlining workflows and identifying areas for improvement.

Looking ahead, the merging of technology and humanity presents exciting opportunities to unlock new levels of AI: Agility and Insights. AI can revolutionize the way organizations approach workforce development, personalizing training and development programs based on individual needs. Real-time data insights drive innovation and growth, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing automation and breaking down silos, employees can focus on strategic work that creates value and propels the organization forward.

In this era of digital transformation, organizations must harness the power of AI to remain agile, make data-driven decisions, and foster a culture of productivity and innovation. With AI-powered analytics and workforce planning technologies, businesses can unlock actionable insights and enhance their competitive edge. Workday exemplifies the potential of AI by providing a secure platform that enables efficient planning, execution, and analysis. By embracing AI and leveraging its power, organizations can propel their workforce strategies into the future, achieving new levels of agility and insights.

The merging of technology and humanity is where our power lies, and right now we’re embarking on an exciting path fueled by the new AI: agility and insights.

To learn more about this fascinating discussion, watch the video here.

Feel free to share your thoughts or ask any questions in the comments. Let’s embrace the future together!

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