Why Should Every Digital Business Invest In An Explainer Video?

Daniel Hall 21/06/2021

Marketers and entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to up their game.

And with the high stakes involved in digital marketing, it's no wonder that many people are turning to explainer videos as a way of increasing conversion rates and ROI. But what exactly is an explainer video? 

That's where this article comes in! We'll be discussing everything you need to know about these powerful tools, including how they work, why they're so effective, and how you can start using them on your website today.

Why Does Your Business Need An Explainer Video?

Every digital business needs an explainer video. And the sooner you get one, the better! But what is it? Videos are a great way to illustrate your products and services in detail for potential customers who might not be able to make time or prioritize coming into your office like they used to before the internet took over their lives.

Explainer videos also help provide information that can't be found anywhere else on your site; things like testimonials, company history, FAQs, contact info etc. With more than half of shoppers considering watching product videos before making purchase decisions (according to Google), this guide will show you just how valuable a corporate animation video could be for growing your traffic and sales.

What Makes A Good Explainer Video

  • The video is short (ideally less than two minutes)
  • It's engaging and easy to follow
  • It answers the "why" question - why should your customer care?
  • Showcases what makes you different from competitors. This can be done by highlighting features, benefits or distinguishing qualities such as reliability, longevity etc.

What Makes A Bad Explainer Video

The video has no clear call to action; it doesn't convert viewers into customers! If people don't know how they will get results after watching a video, there's little incentive for them to watch in the first place. They could easily click away and choose something more enticing, like a cat playing with yarn on YouTube.

It's too long and not easy to follow: Viewers are busy people who don't have time for a drawn-out story. They want the points that matter to them delivered in an engaging way that doesn't leave them feeling like they missed something important. Keep it concise!

The video is boring or poor quality: There's no worse waste than spending money on a marketing campaign with little return on investment (ROI). A mediocre explainer video will be skipped by anyone who sees it because it just won't captivate their attention enough to watch through the whole thing. Investing in high-quality production values matters even more if you're targeting customers outside your country since different cultures appreciate different animation styles.


A good video is engaging: A well-produced explainer video grabs the attention of potential customers, engages them with your message and leaves them wanting more. This will make it easier for you to spread the word about what you offer because they'll like to share their experience with friends on social media or blog about it themselves, giving a lot of value-free publicity! The best part? It's effortless to measure how effective an animated marketing campaign has been by tracking traffic back from those who have seen it. All that research can then be used in future campaigns, so there are no wasted resources.

Video content isn't just a fad anymore: Video consumption is at an all-time high as people turn away from traditional media. This means that if you do not include video in your marketing strategy, then you're missing out on a huge opportunity to create content and engage customers.

The Benefits Of Integrating An Explainer Video To Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Explainer video grabs the attention of potential customers, engages them with your message and leaves them wanting more. This will make it easier for you to spread the word about what you offer because they'll like to share their experience with friends on social media or blog about it themselves, giving a lot of value-free publicity! 

The best part? It's effortless to measure how effective an animated marketing campaign has been by tracking traffic back from those who have seen it. All that research can then be used in future campaigns to see what is and isn't working.

Here are several benefits your business can expect with explainer videos.

  • Increased Conversion Rate

Research has shown that video conversion rates are 60x higher than those who don't use video marketing at all.

  • Greater Brand Awareness

Videos can be used to build a more recognizable brand, making it easier for consumers to remember and identify with your company.

  • Extended Reach

Video content is search engine friendly which means you can reach out to audiences beyond just social media followers or customers on your mailing list. This will help grow your customer base through new channels while utilizing what's already working well for you.

  • Improved ROI

Video campaigns have been known to get up to a 30% conversion rate, which is significantly better than the average of .07%.

  • Higher Click-Through Rate

You can also expect an increase in click-through rates as more and more users are now accustomed to short video ads that pop up on their screens when they're searching for something online. 

Videos make it easier for people who might not know what you do or understand how what you offer can benefit them. They'll be able to quickly learn about your company and decide if it's right for them.

  • Better Engagement With Customers

As customers watch videos explaining why they should buy a product from you, their engagement will increase, and they'll be more likely to make a purchase.

  • The Right Personality

A video can also help build rapport with your company's personality, which will lead customers to trust you more. Customers will feel as if there is an actual human being behind the business that cares about their needs enough to take time out of his or her day just for them.

How To Create Compelling Videos

Creating a compelling video is a challenge in and of itself. The first step is choosing the appropriate style for your company, product or service.

The style you choose should match your brand identity. For example, more artistic films would work well for an arts organization, while less scripted productions are better suited to a technology business that relies on visuals over dialogue.

Once you've chosen the right video type, it's time to get started! One way to create a compelling video is by engaging viewers' senses through sound effects, graphics, and animation instead of relying solely on words or images - this will keep them interested throughout the entire presentation. 

Remember that videos have two parts: content and delivery, so make sure you pay attention not only to what information you're publishing but how it's being delivered.

A video that tells a story will be more interesting to viewers than one that presents information. This is especially true for videos where the audience cannot see what's happening on screen. In these instances, sound effects can help promote engagement.

Your video should also have an opening title or sequence (e.g., graphics of your company logo) followed by a call-to-action such as "watch our new product demo." This will capture visitors' attention right away and direct them towards relevant content they'll find helpful."

If you want someone who doesn't know much about your company or service to walk away having learned something from watching your explainer video, then provide clear instructions at the beginning with concise bullet points.

  • Provide a short introduction to the problem your product solves
  • Explain how you solve it and why we should believe in this solution
  • Showcase one or two customer success stories of actual people who have solved their problems with your service
  • Include some stats: mention that 50% of customers will give up after watching less than 20 seconds and show them proof that video leads to more conversions than text alone."

Final Words

The call for every digital business is an explainer video. Explainer videos are effective in explaining products, companies, issues, etc. because they're dynamic. Unlike long blocks of text, which can be difficult to read on-screen due to formatting/amounts of information, videos keep users engaged by seeing and hearing the content, which helps them retain more information.

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