Winning The Best of Show Award At The Business Expo

Anas Bouargane 03/09/2019 6

There’s almost nothing more exciting in the calendar than the business expo an entire industry attends each year. This can be a great place to see the advancements of your industry, to connect to people who are fans of what you do, and to showcase the things you are proud of. However, it can also be a quietly competitive event, despite the real goodwill between businesses that are there and presenting their goods.

It might be that you have previously managed your metrics in responsible ways when attending this show. How many signups did you achieve? How many new Twitter followers? Did you manage to present your product well, or did you demonstrate said product perfectly at your booth? All of this can contribute to a worthwhile and comforted climate, giving everyone a chance to flex their business insight in a safe environment.

But sometimes, you just want to go for gold. Sometimes, you really want that ‘best of show’ award, which always comes with its prestige and bragging rights forever. And yet, this effort can often be quite hard to accomplish. In the following advice, we hope to help you on that front. It might just make all the difference.

Direct, Approachable Marketing

With marketing that makes sense, looks attractive and has a call to action as part of its design, you might find that more people pay attention to you than any other booth at the expo. Finding more information about the kind of excellent displays you could use to transmit this marketing could be essential, because often it’s not just about form, but also formatting. 

Your marketing should be fun, evoke an emotion, and be designed in an intelligent manner. This is the tool that will help direct parties that are interested in your product to your booth, and thus give you a chance of being judged by the showrunners as part of the A-Team to consider. Make sure it is cohesive, direct, and above all, approachable. This can help you seem like the golden child of the event, particularly if said marketing is customized for it.

Give A Demonstration Or Show

Demonstrating your product, unveiling it as part of a panel and or being collaborative with tutorial speeches and other community events can help you not only showcase why your business is the best, but also help you apply the intelligent candor in which you might represent yourself. People at a trade event love to see a spectacle, or something they couldn’t have gotten anywhere else. If you provide them with this, they will be exceedingly grateful for having been a part of it, especially if exclusivity deals are there to reward them for being in attendance.

Hire Excellent Presenters

Those who will be interfacing with the hordes of people at the event should be forthright, confident, excited, and also able to withstand giving the same speeches or rehearsed performance many times in one day. Not all businesses are stocked with staff who could achieve this. To this end, it might be worth hiring actors or professionals who are specialized expo presenters. To have worthwhile ambassadors for your firm in this light can help those who are taken in by your offering become fully taken in, and it shows a dedication to impress and make positive of the whole event.

After all, attending an event is an optional thing. You could have declined, or you could have ignored this. But with your care and potential ironed out ahead of time, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t celebrate your presence here and thus make a big thing out of it.

Give Something Unique

What can you offer the show that you might not have offered elsewhere? Is it a new product or service launch, a celebration of a milestone your company has reached, a promotion that allows exclusivity to those in attendance, helping them feel rewarded for taking part in your offering?

All of this allows those who are at the show with you to feel as though you truly appreciate them. Which of course you do, because if the expo was vacant there would likely be little chance for you to be there.

Give Away Merch

Freebies are the bread and butter of trade events, and can often help you spread your marketing far and wide. If your merch is interesting or high-quality enough, it might just override what everyone else is hoping to promote at this event.

With these tips, you are certain to win the ‘best of show’ award at the next business expo you attend. You deserve it.

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  • Ryan Yule

    Level up your gear and create passion around.

  • John Weerden

    Solid article as usual !

  • Lindsay Jenkins

    Consistency is key to win an award

  • Vikas Nainani

    Really helping me out for my next expo. Thank you Buddy.

  • April Thompson

    So much to learn, cheers.

  • Sam Feaver

    This is fantastic