9 Best Ways for Businesses to Reduce Carbon Footprint

Daniel Hall 29/07/2021

Measuring carbon footprint has become a major issue in finding out the impact of business activities on the environment. 

Carbon footprint is simply the amount of carbon that a business, for instance, a production firm, releases into the air by performing any activity. For example, a bakery will emit carbon into the air when making the cakes, packaging, and transporting them to the market. 

Reducing carbon footprint in business is important to ensure environmental sustainability. It will ensure little carbon goes into the atmosphere, which can have adverse effects on the ozone. 

Many companies all over the world have started reducing their carbon footprints to save the environment. Similarly, insurance carriers are actively working for the betterment of the environment.  

By reducing carbon footprint, you slow down climate change, preserve the environment, and utilize earth resources more effectively. Here is how small businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and conserve the environment. 

1. Establish the Company’s Carbon Footprint 

To reduce its carbon footprint, a business should first establish how much carbon it emits into the atmosphere. This can also help the business know where it stands on pollution matters and establish which activities it should prioritize in the production line. 

There are many tools you can use to calculate the amount of carbon your business emits. For example, a business can hire a sustainability consultancy firm to measure the carbon footprint and develop a plan to reduce it. 

2. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle 

The 3 Rs are the most fundamental for any firm intending to curb carbon emissions. You should consider how you apply the 3Rs in every aspect of your business to cut down on carbon emissions. Find out how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle in your business. 

There are resources you can reuse as a production firm, making your business eco-friendly, sustainable, and productive. 

3. Invest in Renewable Energy 

Renewable energy is the way to go if you look forward to reducing carbon emissions. In the United States, most companies are already adopting solar and wind energy in their portfolios. In addition, there is ongoing research on how firms can invest in renewable energy and reduce emissions. 

In 2021, investing in renewable energy as a business is one of the best moves you can make. 

Reduce electricity consumption by installing energy-saver light bulbs in your business premises and powering off electronics and lights when not in use.

4. Buy Carbon Offsets 

As a business, you can take an active role in reducing carbon emissions by purchasing carbon offsets. A carbon offset is a form of trade. By purchasing carbon offset, your business is funding specific projects that help in the reduction of carbon emissions. 

Carbon offsets don’t reduce the amount of carbon your business emits to the atmosphere but acts as a balance to neutralize the carbon emitted. 

In addition, carbon offsets can be tax-deductible depending on what company you purchase your offsets from. Therefore, it is advisable to include carbon offsets when coming up with your business budget. 

5. Reduce Food Wastage 

Food wastage accounts for 8% of total greenhouse gas emissions. It happens at every stage of the food system, making food recovery both a business and environmental crisis today. 

To reduce food wastage, your business can purchase food from the local farmers and community. This way you reduce greenhouse emissions by minimizing transportation. You can also create a food compost program to recycle food waste into fertilizer.

6. Travel Green 

Transportation and traveling are some of the top carbon-producing activities in any business. However, you can do the following to reduce travel-related carbon emissions and preserve the environment:

  • Offset all carbon emissions your business generates by purchasing carbon offsets from sustainable companies in your country or state.
  • Only book environmentally sustainable hotels when you travel. Choose greener hotels that take an active role in curbing emissions.
  • Establish how much carbon your business releases into the atmosphere through travels. Which aspect of travel contributes a lot to emissions? Are there alternatives you can opt for to reduce such emissions? 
  • Travel by train or other public means if possible. 

7. Reduce Road Travel Emissions 

Road travel may look like an inevitable part of business, depending on your business sector. However, there are different ways you can make travels more efficient, especially if you have a transport fleet.  

For instance, you can ensure your fleet comprises fuel-saving cars and vehicles that produce low emissions, or simply purchasing electric vehicles. You can also educate your drivers on how to limit emissions on the road.

8. Educate your Employees 

The best way to reduce carbon emissions in your business is to educate and engage your employees in the cause. Educate your employees on various ways to reduce greenhouse emissions at work. You can also come up with policies at work that ensure all workers stick to reducing carbon emissions.

Encourage employee input on workplace energy-saving ideas. You can also consider instituting matching programs where you invest in eco-friendly non-profits. In addition, invite environmental sustainability experts to your business to train employees on better ways to reduce emissions and prevent food wastage. 

Consider sponsoring an employee to go back to school for a sustainability program so they can get the education they need to lead your business to more sustainable, ethical and environmentally friendly. Small efforts will go a long way but if you’re serious about committing to sustainability in your business, nothing beats an in-house role like an environmental specialist, sustainability manger, or director of corporate responsibility.

9. Opt for Green Web Hosting 

Your website can also contribute to the global carbon footprint. 

Since 2010, organizations like Greenpeace have been advocating for green web hosting. In this report, they are encouraging consumers to go for apps that are powered by green energy. They also advise large internet companies to power their data centers on renewable energy to reduce carbon emissions. 

As a business, you can reduce carbon emissions by choosing green web hosting. That means ensuring that the web hosting company you hire uses green energy. Also, ensure the energy that powers your website comes from a renewable source like solar and wind. 

Final Thoughts 

There is a lot your business can do to reduce carbon emissions. Most businesses and insurance companies are already on the course of taking an active role in environmental sustainability. 

To take an active role in reducing emissions, you can educate your employees on ways of curbing emissions, harness renewable energy sources, switch to electric cars, and cut business travel emissions. 

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