Green Construction Industry: How To Find Sustainable Building Material Suppliers

Daniel Hall 11/08/2022

While the idea of being environmentally friendly has been around for quite some time, over the last few years, the concept of sustainability has really started to make its way into the mainstream.

Nowadays people are really starting to notice the effects pollution is having on the environment and are taking it upon themselves to make some real changes. People now understand that they have a personal responsibility to make the world a better place, whether it is as an individual or within their industry. 

The construction industry is no exception. There has been a recent wave of interest in reducing carbon emissions and ensuring the projects are completed sustainably. One major part of this is sourcing materials that are sustainable. Building materials are a huge part of the construction industry, so they are one of the first things you will need to change if you want to start being a more sustainable business. While this may be an easy statement to say, in a practical sense, sourcing sustainable building materials can be a difficult process and you will likely need to try a few suppliers out before you land on one you like. Or you may find that one supplier is better for one material but not as good for the rest. However you end up finding a supplier, make sure you have done your due diligence and you have researched beforehand.

Within this article, we will explore some different ways you can find sustainable building material suppliers, so keep on reading to find out more.

Make A List Of What You Need

Before you start to source your materials, you are going to need to make a list of all the things you will be needing for your project. No matter the size of your project, it should still take you some time to complete the full list, so make sure you are patient and that you give yourself enough time. You need to think of your project in its entirety and consider each stage of the development. It could be a helpful idea to lay out the project in a timeline way, so that you can clearly see how the project is going to go over time. This way, you can look at each section of the project and make a clear list of all the materials you will be needing. Making a list of everything is a very important part of this process as you need to have a clear idea of the materials before you are able to source them. Additionally, it gives you something to refer back to during the construction process, so you can always top up on more materials as you go.

Research Some Of The Best Sustainable Materials

The next thing you need to do is research what sustainable materials are the best. Doing this research will be a lot easier once you have the comprehensive list of materials you need. Your list will come in handy throughout this project, so make sure you have it on you when you do your research into sustainable materials. Of course, not all building materials are sustainable, so you may find that some of the ones you need for your project do not have a sustainable alternative. If this is the case, it is important not to put too much pressure on yourself and understand that being sustainable is not about being 100% perfect. However, if during your research you find that some of the materials you need are sustainable, for example, aggregates, then you should start by contacting an aggregates supplier, like Hanson, as they will be able to provide you with the best materials. 

Try A Few Out

When it comes to sourcing sustainable materials, you may find that it is a bit of a process to get right. Completing your first sustainable project is never going to be perfect, so make sure you take your time and also make notes during the process, so you know what is working and what isn’t. That way, when you go on your next project, you will have a clear idea of what worked last time and what you need to improve on. Aggregated suppliers or asphalt suppliers may differ in what they do and how much they charge, so it really could be a trial-and-error process until you find what works for you. It’s the same with trying out any new supplier, you give them a chance for one project and see if it goes well. For some construction companies, they prefer to stick with just one supplier as it is what they are familiar with, which is understandable. However, if you are just starting out in the sustainability world, then you are going to need to explore different suppliers until you find some that work for you. Be patient during this process and you will soon find that your project comes together.

Reuse And Recycle Your Own Materials

This point is less about finding a sustainable supplier and more about how you can be more sustainable within your construction work. Once you have dipped your toes in the world of sustainability, you are going to want to keep that up if you are truly going to be a sustainable business. Of course, it is not about perfection every time, but it is about continuously trying your best to be more sustainable. Sustainability is a continuous and conscious effort to reduce your carbon footprint and your impact on the planet. The construction industry does have an impact on carbon emissions, which is why it is so important to change that. This sort of change can only come from everyone doing their bit and making an effort. One great way to stay sustainable within the construction industry is to reuse and recycle your own materials. A big part of sustainability is reducing the waste you produce and reusing and recycling your own materials is a really simple way to reduce carbon emissions. Once you have finished a project, take a look at the leftover materials and see which ones can be reused and which can be recycled into something else.


Ultimately, when it comes to being more sustainable, we all have a responsibility to do our bit. Certainly, there are individual things that can be done to live a more sustainable life, but you also need to look at the bigger picture too. If you are in the construction industry, then you will be aware of how much pollution is made within the industry. Because of this, it is important that you take the time to find the right suppliers who can provide you with the lowest carbon materials. Being sustainable is always going to take time and you can’t expect to suddenly be sustainable overnight. Make sure that you do not pressure yourself to be the most sustainable industry straight away. Just be patient and keep on learning and you will soon find your way.

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