Brexit Has Failed: It's Time to Move On

Brexit is a continuous issue that continues to divide the United Kingdom and the European Union for years.

It began with a referendum in 2016, which saw 52% of the British population vote to leave the EU. Since then, the process of separating the UK from the EU has been long and arduous, with numerous setbacks, debates, and disagreements.

Brexit has had numerous failures, from the impact on the economy to the damage to the UK's international reputation. Some examples of these failures include:

  • The Northern Ireland Protocol - The UK's decision to unilaterally extend the grace period for goods entering Northern Ireland has violated the Northern Ireland Protocol, a key part of the Brexit agreement that aims to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This has caused tension between the UK and the EU and could potentially threaten the fragile peace in Northern Ireland.

  • Loss of EU funding - The UK has lost access to EU funding for various programs, including research and development, social programs, and regional development. This has left a significant gap in funding for these areas, with the UK government yet to provide adequate replacement funding.

  • Supply chain disruptions - Brexit has caused significant disruptions to supply chains, with delays and increased costs for businesses. This has affected various industries, from manufacturing to retail, and has led to shortages of certain products, such as fresh produce and medical supplies.

  • Immigration - Brexit was sold as a way to gain control over immigration, but the UK is now facing a shortage of workers in various industries, including healthcare and hospitality. This has led to calls for the government to rethink its immigration policies.

As we approach the seventh anniversary of the referendum, it is time to reflect on whether Brexit has succeeded or failed. In this article, we argue that Brexit has failed and it is time for both sides to move on.

Economic Costs of Brexit

One of the primary reasons why Brexit has failed is its economic costs. The UK's departure from the EU has resulted in significant economic damage. The UK economy shrank by 9.9% in 2020, the largest contraction in over 300 years, due in part to Brexit. The uncertainty around Brexit negotiations caused businesses to delay investment, leading to a decline in economic activity.

Furthermore, the trade deal negotiated between the UK and the EU has resulted in additional costs for businesses. The deal has led to increased bureaucracy, paperwork, and tariffs, which have increased the cost of doing business. The fishing industry, in particular, has been hit hard by Brexit, with many fishermen losing access to traditional fishing grounds.

Brexit has also had a negative impact on the value of the pound. The pound has lost value against the euro and the dollar since the referendum, making imports more expensive and reducing the purchasing power of British citizens. The uncertainty around Brexit negotiations also led to a decline in foreign investment, with many companies choosing to invest in other European countries instead.

Political Costs of Brexit

Brexit has also had significant political costs. The process of leaving the EU has highlighted deep divisions within the UK, particularly between England and Scotland. The Scottish National Party (SNP) has been pushing for independence from the UK, arguing that Scotland voted to remain in the EU and should have the right to choose its own future.

Brexit has also strained relationships between the UK and the EU. The negotiations were often fraught with tension, with both sides accusing each other of being unreasonable. The UK's decision to break international law by unilaterally extending the grace period for goods entering Northern Ireland further damaged relations.

Brexit has also had a negative impact on the UK's international reputation. The UK was once seen as a stable, reliable partner in international affairs. However, the chaotic Brexit negotiations and the UK's decision to break international law have damaged that reputation. Many countries now view the UK as an unpredictable and unreliable partner.

Broken Promises of Brexit

Brexit was sold to the British people on a promise of increased sovereignty, control over immigration, and better trade deals. However, many of these promises have not been fulfilled. The UK's sovereignty has been compromised by the need to negotiate a trade deal with the EU. The UK also lost access to many EU programs, such as the Erasmus student exchange program, which has limited the opportunities for British students.

Brexit has also failed to deliver on the promise of better trade deals. The UK's trade deal with the EU has been described as a "thin" deal, with many industries, such as the financial services industry, left out. The UK is also struggling to negotiate new trade deals with other countries, with many countries prioritizing trade deals with larger economies, such as the EU and the US.


Brexit has failed on multiple fronts, from the economic costs to the political divisions and broken promises. It is time for both sides to move on and focus on building a positive future relationship. The UK must acknowledge the damage that has been done and work to repair its relationships with the EU and the international community. The EU must also be willing to work with the UK to build a mutually beneficial relationship. The UK and the EU must find a way to move forward and cooperate on issues of mutual interest, such as climate change and security. Only then can the UK and the EU move beyond the failures of Brexit and build a positive future relationship.

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