Covid-19: What Healthcare Can Learn From The New Fast Food Drive-Thrus

Burger King, Popeyes, Shake Shack and Tim Hortons are getting new drive-thrus to boost sales in the coronavirus age.

It's time for healthcare in the United States to take a page from their playbook.

As more and more care moves from the hospital to the home, pickup and delivery for sickcare products and services is likewise growing.

Here are some reasons why you are likely to see a drive-up window at your primary care pharmacy, medical department store, hospital or physician office soon:

  1. Online access to services is increasing via digital health technologies
  2. Patients increasingly value convenience-care
  3. It's safer than going to a crowded indoor place
  4. It could reduce the cost of care
  5. It could increase practitioner productivity
  6. It would be a place for patient surrogates and family to help get what patients need
  7. It would reduce administrative issues using state of the art fintech and tracking technologies
  8. You won't have to find a place to park
  9. It would be a place to get tests done safely
  10. It would pay more than flipping burgers and offer an up-skilling opportunity for those who need it and an entry position for further career development
  11. Retail and grocery outlets with drive-thru capabilities are increasingly offering healthcare products and services
  12. DIY medicine is growing

The healthcare industry needs to change its business and distribution models to cope with the second wave of Covid-19. 

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs.

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  • Paul Archenoul

    Fast food companies are teaching a lesson to the healthcare industry

  • Neil Proudley

    Shake Shack and Burger King should also create healthier meals.

  • Craig N

    Interesting read

  • Mark Packham

    Pre-ordering, like what is offered in fast food chain, will be part of the Pharma and healthcare models.