How Many Wake up Calls Do You Need?

Ellie Savoy 22/08/2019 6

Have you or anyone you know had a “wake up” call and still didn’t change anything?

My “wake up” call #1

It was June 8th, 2008. I received a phone message from my Brother to say that my Mother had passed away. Yes, a phone message!!

She had been ill for 8 years but that didn’t make it any easier when I got the news.

I vividly remember a thought I had at the funeral home when I saw my Mother in her casket. It was that you really don’t take anything with you when you die! Of course I knew this but this is when it really hit home.

This got me thinking about my own life and how I was striving for more and more external things. Leading to too much stress and excess weight. Why, when I know I can’t take it with me? Why was it so important?

I didn’t change my ways much at this point.

My “wake up” call #2

It was March 15th, 2010. I received a call from my Brother, no phone message this time because I picked up the phone! He said my Dad passed away very suddenly late afternoon on March 14th. The 5 hour time difference in the UK resulted in us finding out the next day! This was a whole different ball game because for one, I was much closer to my Dad and always a “Daddy’s Girl”, and secondly it meant dealing with all their personal belongings and selling their home (our family home) and living 3500 miles away!

It did start to deepen my inner exploration at this time about my own life journey because now both parents were gone. What did it mean?

My “wake up” call #3

My annual GYN exam in the summer of 2011 lead to an ultra sound and the diagnosis of two uterine fibroids. It freaked me out! It wasn’t cancer but the reality that I had these things inside of me was not music to my ears. I was given three surgical options, one of which was a hysterectomy, and the other option was to do nothing. I knew I wasn’t going to have surgery period AND I knew I was going to do something about it. The something I choose was to embrace my health and change my ways.

It was the final “wake-up” I needed because now we were talking about my own body.

I removed all processed foods and chemicals from my diet. I choose 100% organic and knew where my food was coming from. I stopped drinking wine. I started drinking more water and making sure I had better quality sleep. The fibroids shrunk in size! Go figure. Healing without surgery or pills!

The reason I am sharing this with you is because we all have experiences in our lives that rattle us up.

How many wake-up calls have you had or how many do you need?

Do you think that pain, suffering and death just happens to other people? Of course not!

If you are not completely happy in your body and life, I would love to hear from you. I have turned my own life around and helped others to do the same.

If you want to take the first step I am here for you.

Let’s jump on a free discovery call by clicking below:

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Please share your experiences in the comments box below.

To you and your health!

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  • Aaron Parry

    Such an emotional story.

  • Wendell Gador

    May God grant your parents a place in paradise

  • Harry Ramsbottom

    Very emotional!!

  • Daniel Turberville

    So sad made me cry

  • Joe Mason

    That was so touching

  • Louise Reynolds

    Beautiful message!