Comments (6)
Lucy Thornton
Weed is dangerous because if you smoke it for the first time you will realize that everything you were told to fear about it was a lie.
Stu Marland
Marijuana > Alcohol
Kieran Owen
Big Pharma won't be happy about this news
Andrew Norris
I tried marijuana for the first time and did not like it. It made me suspicious, paranoid and generally anti-social. Then I tried it a second time (like any person who pursues logic would) to make sure it wasn't an isolated case. I liked it. It calmed my mind, made me ponder the philosophical depth of seemingly mundane things. Then I tried it again and it had a completely different effect. It made me super social.
Sam Thomson
I'm 65 now and smoked marijuana for well over 50 years. Over that time period I have never moved up to a harder drug like alcohol or any other kind.
Matt Fuchs
Hopefully more will follow and the secrets of this amazing plant will start to help the world the way it's supposed to.
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