What Sick Care Innovators Should Know about Sales and Marketing

Sick care innovators, be they scientists, engineers or health professionals, typically 1) focus on a solution instead of a problem , and, 2) fall short when it comes to selling and marketing their product, service or process improvement. Those are two of many reasons why their innovation initiative, whether it is internal (intrapreneurship) or external (entrepreneurship) will fail.

Here are some ideas that might help.

  1. If patients are customers, how do you sell to them?

  2. The three levels of branding.

  3. The 7Rs of content marketing.

  4. Things doctors don't get about sales and marketing.

  5. What is your digital marketing strategy?

  6. Why digital health startups fail.

  7. Why your innovation initiative will fail.

  8. The sickcare intrapreneur innovation roadmap.

  9. What to know about value propositions.

  10. What you need to know about innovation.

  11. The difference between and improvement and an innovation.

  12. How to create user defined value.

  13. How to creat a strategic marketing and communications plan.

  14. Crossing the chasm and lean startups: meet digital health.

  15. How to screw up online medical practice marketing.

Sick care sales and marketing goes beyond product, price, promotion and place. Innovation starts with mindset, but will end without a successful go to market strategy.

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs.

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  • Lauren Wilson

    Healthcare marketing has become a rapidly expanding business.

  • John Rice

    Great points !

  • Ray Thorpe

    Good overview