How the light and genetics may treat brain disorders in the future? Imagine being able to treat neurodegenerative diseases and mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, PTSD, depression, and anxiety with non-invasive light-based therapy. This is the quest of pioneering scientists and researchers in optogenetics, an emerging field in biotechnology that uses light to control cells in living tissues such as neurons, in order to study brain function.
I’m really used to it by now: voice commands to my computer, to my watch, to my car while driving and answering messages and at home. We're all getting more and more used to voice in our smartphone, in our car and even on our watch and most of all in our homes. Talking to computers is booming (business) meanwhile shifting power in the corporate world as well.
My take on the future of the Community Pharmacy. Let's face it. Pharmacists are not happy. At all. And, they’re terrified. Everyday fearing their pharmacy will have their hours cut, again. Fear that their pharmacy might get acquired, or worse, announce its’ last day of business. Community Pharmacy is dealing with a lot of changes, like trying new revenue models and dealing with insurance reimbursement rates declining.
Divide by Zero?! Some of you might remember grade school when the teacher told you that you could NEVER have a zero in the denominator of a fraction. You just can't. Later...maybe in high school or college you might have heard that the "equation blows up" if the bottom part of a fraction is zero.
A recent Cochrane meta-analysis reaches the succinct, clear, and rather startling conclusion that the treatment of severe pneumonia should include corticosteroids (generally known simply as “steroids”) to reduce mortality and morbidity alike. That unusually decisive and rather emphatic punch line is fortified by this fact: the practice is apt to save a life for every 18 patients or so treated (a parameter in clinical epidemiology known as the “number needed to treat”).
Just for S&G's (Snickers and Giggles) me a favor. Input only a comma on your LinkedIn search and hit SEARCH. You should come up with close to 143 Million people.
Before we get to the video at the end of the page, a preamble: There are very few technologies which have changed the ability to bring out human potential in a historic fashion; the printing press, the steam engine, the Internet are some examples.