5 Exquisite Tips You Need To Follow To See a Real Change In Yourself

Vagisha Arora 29/05/2020 6

“Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself.”

Unlocking the key to happiness and success lies in waking up early. Sounds weird? Well, I felt the same until I decided to explore reading one of the most amazing books by Robin Sharma.

I am sure you must have heard about him and trust me, 5 AM Club has transformed my life in the best possible ways.

Never in my dreams did I imagine that by simply shifting my waking patterns I could be revolutionising my life.

Robin Sharma elaborates upon the theme of “Elevating life by owing the morning” has truly inspired me to make the most of my beautiful mornings.

I have inculcated a few habits in my daily morning schedule and they are helping me immensely. Believe me, bridging the gap between your dreams and goals is just a few steps away.

I assure you that if you follow these exquisite techniques for the next one month, you will notice the real change in you. Spending just one hour of the morning with yourself can be therapeutic. Here is my list of easy-to-do actionable tips :

1. Meditating: The very first thing I do in the morning is meditation. Connecting with my inner self has helped me to detoxify myself from negativity. Yes, you need to resist the temptation of touching your phone first thing in the morning. You need to revitalize yourself to kickstart the day with positivity and calmness. 10–15 minutes is good to start with. However, I recommend that you choose the most peaceful place for meditation.

2. Expressing Gratitude: I am trying to imbibe this habit of becoming more grateful to the universe for everything I have. Remember, Newton’s third law which we all learned by heart in our schools? It holds true in our lives as well. Yes, to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What manifests in our lives is the reaction of what we think on a daily basis. I have started expressing gratitude for everything that I possess and focussing less on things which are not in my control. By simply becoming thankful for everything you have you, you can attract more positivity in your life. In short, you need to reap the seeds of gratitude to reap the fruits of success.

3. Listening Positive Affirmations: The logic behind this practice is simple. By simply listening to positive affirmations, you can improve your self-esteem and productivity. This simple practice has the potential to fill your day with optimism. Imagine, yourself visualising in scenarios where you have the perfect relationship or your dream job. When you feel these emotions every single day, you emit the positive vibrations to the universe. When you do this as a daily ritual, you signal on things you “WANT”.

4. Exercising: I read this amazing line which is advocated strongly by Robin Sharma. “Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see”. Doing yoga every day in the morning has made me more rejuvenated and refreshed. It has not only added to my stamina of doing more work but has also played an important role in helping me concentrate better on work.

5. Reading Motivational Books: I have started diving deep into reading more of self-help books. Trust me, it is not only helping in inculcating positive habits but also changing me for good. When you read a book, you imbibe the lessons in the most effective way.

Listening to the stories of others gives you that push to make your life worthwhile. You can also indulge in listening to podcasts in your free time. Do things that keep you dedicated and motivated throughout the day. By spending just 20 minutes of your time, doing this useful activity, I have been able to declutter my mind and believing in myself.

6. Embracing Myself: How many times have you spent doubting your abilities and found yourself comparing with others? I think most of us do this many times a day without realizing its repercussions. Now, I have become more self-aware and self-conscious. I tend to shift my focus every time I start criticizing myself for the slightest of things. You need to love yourself to make things work for you in life.

Don’t forget to share your experiences once you try these simple hacks. It really worked for me and I am glad to have stumbled upon really something which truly inspired me to change my habits.

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  • James Duncan

    Our world is full of opportunities, but sometimes too much thinking can get in the way.

  • Christophe Ghiot

    Thank you for the tips

  • Ryan Carrington

    The most individualsI know end their workday by making a list of what they have to do the following day or two ahead.

  • Tommy Skimins

    Don’t ignore your emotions, but remember that feelings aren’t facts.

  • Danny Jagger

    We’re all experiencing way more stress than we should.

  • Fred Leissing

    Set realistic goals you can be super consistent with.