7 Surprising Ways to Win Over Your Boss

Vartika Kashyap 09/10/2018 7

You may be pushing yourself really hard to get that project done, yet somehow you are not there on the boss’s good side. You need to keep them impressed! If you want to snag yourself a raise, stay away from conflicts, move up in your job, you should definitely want to know how to impress your boss each day.

We all want to be adored at work ― especially by the boss. This doesn't mean you’ve to go out of the way to do what you are unwilling to do, simply, put the best foot forward each day. If they don’t like you, you’ve to make a comeback. Your boss is the gatekeeper to your bright future. So, if you’ve considered the idea of impressing your boss, I've got a few things that a boss would love to see you doing.

1. Keep Learning New Things: Thirst for Knowledge

Your boss also cares about how well you’re growing in your role. You’ve to have the zeal to learn beyond just your role. Your boss will be impressed by your knowledge of things apart from your job role. Be willing to take up tasks on your own when you’re done.

2. Participate in What Comes Up: Volunteer Enthusiastically

Raise your hands if an event is coming up, if new responsibilities are being assigned, if your participation is expected. Be the shining beacon of light to impress them. Show them your enthusiasm to get into whatever comes.

3. Develop a Personal Connection: ‘Friend and Boss’

It’s ok if you do not have any interest in their personal lives, but it makes enough sense to show your boss that you care. Ask them how their weekend was, what is their interest outside of work, and show a little interest in their recent activities. Your boss is human, too.

4. Don’t Ever Say “That’s Too Hard”

There’s no such thing as perfect, what counts is your efforts. If your boss gave you a task, they think you can do it. It is a big pet peeve for the boss to hear “that’s pretty hard for me”. This will not only instill doubts but certainly turn of the cards for you. Positive thinking is a skill that will help you through this.

CTA: Organize all your chaos to manage everything that comes. Start using a project management software !

5. Ask Lots of Questions: Be Curious

They may not say, but they expect you to ask. ASK! It shows your interest in the company and your commitment. This little investment can pay off big in the long run. It’s a good battle to pick, Ask!

6. Straight up: Don’t be a Slouch

Staring at computers, continuous browsing on phone, and cradling the phone to ear will make you look for a good posture. Be familiar with proper posture to look naturally more confident and alert.

7. Be Ready with Solutions to Problems: Fix up Things

There will be problems. There will be certain loopholes. And your boss is a busy person. Do not be afraid to bring ideas to the table as solutions. Before dropping every little problem on your boss, show your ability to solve problems on your level. Think like a founder, and your boss will take note of your initiation.

Before they replace you, be irreplaceable. It’s all on you and your boss to make your workplace exciting or a place that you dread visiting. Give these a try and see what happens next. Good luck!

How do you get on your boss’ good side? Let us know in the comments!

About the Author

Vartika Kashyap is the Marketing Manager at ProofHub and has been one of the LinkedIn Top Voices in 2017. Her articles are inspired by office situations and work-related events. She likes to write about productivity, team building, work culture, leadership, entrepreneurship among others and contributing to a better workplace is what makes her click. Follow her on Linkedin.

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    Good piece !