7 Ways to Cut Down Your Screen Time

Daniel Hall 13/01/2022

Have you ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling through your phone, only to realise you’ve wasted hours doing absolutely nothing?

If so, you’re not alone. According to research, UK adults devote a third of waking time to mobile apps, averaging a whopping 4.8 hours per day! However, we all know that screen time isn’t necessarily good for us, or a productive use of time. 

If you’re looking for easy ways to cut down your screen time, read on for our top tips. 

How to cut down screen time

1. Track Screen Time and Set Limits

If you find yourself glued to your screen, the good news is that you can minimise screen time by setting healthy time limits. 

Whether Instagram is your kryptonite, or you’re more of a TikTok fan, you can set alerts and reminders to shut these apps down after a few hours. That way, you’re forced to stop scrolling and do something else!

2. Keep Phones out of the Bedroom

Did you know that the blue light from your TV and smartphones can be affecting your sleep? If you use your phone right before you go to sleep, then this blue light emitted from your screen suppresses your body making melatonin – your hormone responsible for helping you doze off. 

To avoid sleepless nights, try to establish your bedroom as a tech-free zone by banishing phones, tablets and TVs from your bedroom. 

3. Establish More Tech-Free Zone 

If banishing phones and tablets from the bedroom goes well, then why not establish more tech-free zones around your home? 

As a starting point, you could consider banishing phones from your bathrooms and in the dining room – where you can focus on connecting with your family after a long day. 

4. Start a New Hobby

If you find yourself wasting time scrolling mindlessly, then why not put that time to good use and start up a new hobby. You might want to consider: 

  • Reading
  • Exercise
  • Board games
  • Painting
  • Astronomy 
  • Sports
  • Cooking

If you’re feeling adventurous, instead of staring at a screen, why not create your own computer? All you need to get started is a Raspberry Pi board to teach you the basics, and away you go! 

5. Meditate 

If you find it difficult to switch off after a long day at work, consider taking up meditation. Not only will it force you to put your phone down, but it will also help improve your mental health and reduce stress. It’s a win-win!

6. Banish Phones from the Dinner Table 

How many of us are guilty of eating and tapping away at the same time? Probably most! 

Instead, try to banish your phone from the dinner table and use that time to reflect on the day. If you can, why not leave your phone in a draw upstairs so you can’t be tempted?

7. Remove Unnecessary Apps

If it’s been a while since you had an app cleanse, take a few minutes to go through your phone and remove any apps you don’t absolutely need. If the app is likely to entice you to scroll for hours – delete it! 

You’ll soon find yourself developing new, healthier habits. 

In Conclusion

The bottom line is that most of us spend too long on our phones each day, however there are a few simple ways to keep screen time under control. By taking up a new hobby, setting screen time limits and banishing phones from certain zones, you too can reduce your screen time.

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