Airway is Life with Dr. Meghna Dassani

Parul Agrawal 21/04/2021 5

Sleep is incredibly important for our bodies. In fact, the work of sleep is almost more important than the work we do while awake.

Without sleep, we lose our ability to learn, our ability to remember, our ability to work, to move, to digest. In today’s day and age when people are mostly working from home, the sleep cycles have been disrupted causing serious health issues.  

I sat down with Dr. Meghna Dassani, a sleep expert to learn more about her journey and her passion to help patients with their sleep issues.

Tell us a Little about Yourself and your Work?

I am an internationally educated dentist practicing in Houston, Texas. I received my initial dental training from the University of Mumbai, India where I graduated in 1996 and I operated a successful practice there for 6 years prior to moving to the US. I am a 2005 graduate of the Boston University (BU) Goldman School of Dental Medicine, where I was actively involved in research projects and enjoyed working in communities surrounding the dental school. 

I have been practicing in Houston, Texas for the last 15 years. I have a passion for providing patients with the highest quality of care that will benefit their overall health. Screening and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults and children is an integral part of my practice. My vision and goal for myself and my team is to help patients with sleep disordered breathing get the treatment they need to live healthier, happier lives. I've spent years introducing my dental patients to sleep medicine, and solving their problems through a combination of screenings, referrals, and treatments. I regularly work with multidisciplinary teams to get my patients' airways open, so that they can get good, high-quality rest. I even teach other dentists how to add sleep medicine to their practices. 

I am passionate about making sure that people know about the importance of sleep. I want to connect people to the care they need so that they can get those airways open. My goal is for people to understand the importance of sleep and sleep breathing, and share what it with their friends and family. Airway is life, and together, we can save the lives of the people we love.  

What were the Biggest Challenges you have faced and how did you Overcome Them?

I moved to the US at 27. Starting from scratch to build my practice while learning the culture here taught me valuable lessons. Not having family around came with its own set of challenges along with learning to wear the different hats of being a mom, wife, practice owner, business woman all while chasing my dream, my Why. I surrounded myself with my tribe, people and a support system that believed in me, trusted me and helped me achieve my goals. And sheer doggedness didn’t hurt either. 

My recent Amazon Best Seller book “ Airway Is Life” certainly feels like life coming full circle.

What Inspired you to Write your Bestselling Book Airway is Life?

I am passionate about making sure that people know about the importance of sleep. I want to connect people to the care they need so that they can get those airways open. My goal is for people to understand the importance of sleep and sleep breathing, and share what it with their friends and family. Airway is life, and together, we can save the lives of the people we love. 

Why is Sleep so Important?

Without the work of sleep, we lose our very selves. 

Sleeping changes which hormones are being produced and how various cells react. Without this part of your daily cycle, your hormones will go haywire (even worse than they do in teenagers), your organs won't function correctly, and you'll get very sick very quickly. In sleep, the brain 'cleans out' the brain and moves the new information to permanent storage. Waves of electricity pulse across the brain, and as this happens, new memories get moved to the appropriate parts of the brain. Facts, motor skills, things you've seen and need to recognize later, and social interactions all get moved to places where you can find them later.

 If you don't get enough good sleep, and especially NREM sleep, you can't learn new things, and you're stuck. Sleep stores new knowledge for easy recall, helps the brain learn new muscle skills.

Lack of healthy sleep predisposes us to a myriad of health issues such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimers, depression and so much more. In kids, we tend to see more behavior issues, bed wetting, ADHD and more in sleep deprived kids.  

How can Individuals/Employees Improve their Sleep Issues?

Step 1: Start Making Your Home Sleep-friendly

Start with small changes you can make at home. Make sure your family’s bedrooms encourage sleep.  Start trying to limit caffeine and blue light in the evening.  Try to get in bed early enough to give yourself plenty of time to sleep.   If you have teens, do what you can to help them get enough sleep while respecting their circadian rhythms.   

Step 2: Get Seen and Get Screened

If you, your partner, or one of your children show signs of sleep-disordered breathing, the first step is to get seen and get screened.  

These are good places to get going on your journey to healthy sleep. 

What is One Piece of Advice You Have for People looking to Improve their Lifestyle?

Establish a sleep routine as part of a healthy diet and exercise.

How Can People Follow Your Journey?

On IG @healthysleeprevolution or my website

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  • Ralph Pottinger

    Without sleep I can't be motivated, I am blessed to have a decent cycle.

  • Tom Samson

    Lack of sleep is making me nervous and anxious. I should sleep at 10. I gotta do more or I'll end up taking pills.

  • Lee Hackett

    Eating healthy food can help to sleep better.

  • Mike Peterson

    Interesting interview !

  • Neil Rayton

    Lack of sleep can take a toll on multiple aspects of our life