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Where are you physically? Do you have goals for your physical well-being?
Do you have a trim, toned body that serves you well, or are you huffing and puffing after one flight of stairs? Do you get home at the end of the work day feeling like you've got a lot more day to go, or do you park yourself in front of the couch starting at around 7 p.m., for an extended couch potato session?
Regardless of your age and level of fitness, the first order of business for you when it comes to setting and reaching physical goals is to get a comprehensive health checkup. If you're between 20 and 35, and you haven't received a complete physical exam recently, it's probably no big deal. Don't delay, however, get a checkup within the next month. If you're 40 or over, and you haven't had a checkup for a while, schedule one for the next week or as soon as possible. Why? You need a baseline from which to begin and the information generated is so basic and so vital, that it is unwise to go much longer without it.
For those under 40, many texts advise that a checkup every five years or so should be adequate. For those over 40 and certainly over 45, an annual checkup is just about mandatory. For women, obvious concerns regarding breast and ovarian cancer and for men, concern about prostate cancer, as well as a host of other concerns for both sexes all but necessitate a visit to a doctor's office, clinic, or HMO.
A blood test is certainly a standard procedure for such a checkup. Miraculously, blood tests reveal so much, and all you do is suffer a pin prick for a couple seconds. Also, make sure that the exam that you get is the comprehensive type with a treadmill so that your doctor or health care provider has a more well rounded view of the state of your physical being.
Based on the results of your test, you'll have an operating game plan as to which are the most appropriate goals to set regarding your physical well-being. If you have too much bad cholesterol, then a change of diet is in order. If your lungs are polluted because you've been whacking down cigarettes for the last 15 years, I'm not even going to spend another sentence attempting to convince you that you need to have a serious dialog with yourself about what you're doing to your body and your overall well-being.
In addition to having a comprehensive physical checkup, at any time along your life's trail, and at least on a monthly basis, check yourself out as well. This is more mental than physical, but it aids in your physical well being enormously. Sit in a comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Then, starting at the top of your head, working all the way down to your toes, think about each area of your body, and how it is functioning.
By having yourself checked out, you are on your way to achieving your physical goals. Now you will be ready to hoist yourself off the couch and start exercising!
Jeff Davidson is "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management. Visit
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