Flickering Lights At Home: Possible Reasons & 4 Ways To Fix It

Daniel Hall 02/11/2022

Do you have a problem with flickering lights at home? If you've been experiencing flickering lights at home, you're not alone.

It's a common problem that can have several causes. In this article, we'll discuss the possible reasons for flickering lights and four ways to fix them!

1) Old Electrical Panels

If your flickering lights are caused by an old electrical panel, you may need to upgrade your panel. An old electrical panel can't handle the increased load of new appliances and devices, which can cause flickering lights. When it comes to electrical panel upgrades, it's best to hire a professional electrician to do the job. They will be able to properly assess your needs and install a new panel that meets those needs. With a new panel, you'll see a significant decrease in flickering lights.

2) Faulty Light Bulbs

If you've ruled out other causes of flickering lights and it seems to be happening with all of your light bulbs, it's possible that the bulbs themselves are faulty. But, how can you know for sure? Start by checking the wattage of the bulbs you're using. If they're too high for the fixture, they could be causing the flickering. Also, make sure that the bulbs are screwed in tightly. Loose bulbs can also cause flickering. If you've checked all of these things and you're still seeing flickering, it's time to replace the bulbs.

3) Poor Voltage Supply

If none of the above solutions fix your flickering lights, it's possible that your problem is due to a poor voltage supply. This means that there isn't enough voltage coming into your home to power all of your electronics and appliances. One way to fix this is to upgrade your service panel. Talk to your electrician about upgrading your service panel to see if this fixes the problem. You can also try using power strips to supply more voltage to your devices. This is a less expensive option than upgrading your service panel, but it may not be as effective.

4) Electrical Wiring Issues

If you've ruled out all of the other possible causes of flickering lights, it's possible that you have an electrical wiring issue. This is a serious problem that should be fixed by a professional electrician. Electrical wiring issues can cause all sorts of problems, including fires. So, if you think you have an electrical wiring issue, don't hesitate to call a professional electrician.

Flickering lights can be caused by a variety of different problems, from old electrical panels to faulty light bulbs. If you're experiencing flickering lights, the best thing to do is to try and identify the cause. Once you know what's causing the problem, you can take steps to fix it. In this blog post, we've outlined four possible causes of flickering lights and four ways to fix them. If none of these solutions work, it's time to call in a professional electrician. A professional electrician will be able to pinpoint the problem and fix it quickly and safely. We hope this blog post has been helpful.

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