How to Build Brand Awareness with Instagram Giveaways

How to Build Brand Awareness with Instagram Giveaways

Daniel Hall 13/08/2024
How to Build Brand Awareness with Instagram Giveaways

Instagram giveaways are a proven strategy, delivering 3.5 times more likes and 64 times more comments than regular posts.

Accounts running contests grow 70% faster, making it clear that giveaways work across industries—from fashion and beauty to restaurants and personal brands.

But let’s be real: many marketers are hesitant, and for good reason. The influx of followers during a giveaway can lead to a messy aftermath — a wave of unfollows from those who were only in it for the prize. This behavior can confuse Instagram’s algorithm, potentially tanking your reach and visibility.

Besides, we’re no longer in the golden age of Instagram giveaways. The novelty has worn off, and participants are more selective than ever. To make your giveaway work in today’s landscape, you’ve got to bring your A-game. No cutting corners. 

The good news? Everything you need to run a winning Instagram giveaway is in this article!

How to Run Effective Instagram Giveaways: Best Practices, Tips and Tricks

Make Sure You Know Your Audience Well

To kick off a successful Instagram giveaway, knowing your audience inside and out is non-negotiable. The more aligned your giveaway is with your audience's interests, the better your chances of driving engagement and brand awareness. 

Start with the basics and work your way up: 

  • Where are your followers located? If your brand or the giveaway prize is region-specific, consider limiting participation to those areas to avoid disappointment and shipping headaches.

  • What kind of content resonates with them? Which giveaway announcement design will catch their attention? 

  • What are their social sharing preferences? Will your audience feel comfortable sharing your giveaway post on their stories, or tagging friends in the comments? 

  • What are their values? What kind of prize would they genuinely be excited about?

  • What are their online habits? When are they most active on Instagram? What type of content do they engage with the most? 

Finally, ask yourself: what’s the ideal follower you want to attract? The answer to this question will shape every aspect of your giveaway, from the format to the prize, and ultimately determine its success.

Opt For a Simple Way to Enter the Giveaway

In the fast-paced world of social media, attention spans are short, and commitment is minimal. If your giveaway entry process is too complicated or involves too many steps, you risk losing potential participants. A straightforward and easy-to-follow mechanic is key to maximizing engagement. The simpler the entry, the more likely people are to participate, boosting your chances of a successful campaign.


9 Instagram Giveaway Ideas 

  • Like & Comment: Participants like the post and leave a comment to enter.

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  • Tag a friend: Ask followers to tag a friend in the comments, spreading the word.

  • Follow to win: Require participants to follow your account to enter.

  • Story share: Ask followers to share your giveaway post on their story for an entry.


  • User-Generated Content: Encourage followers to create content related to your brand.

  • Hashtag use: Create a unique hashtag and ask participants to use it in a post or Story.


  • Quiz or poll: Post a fun quiz or poll in your Stories, with entry tied to participation.

  • Caption this: Participants submit their best caption for a photo you post.

  • Comment to vote: Ask followers to comment their vote on a specific topic or idea. 

You can combine different mechanics within one giveaway for maximum reach. But don’t go overboard. It's better to rely on business consulting and find out the right giveaway type that works best for your business.

Design a Visually Appealing Creative

Investing in high-quality, trendy visuals can make all the difference. 

First of all, eye-catching designs that employ graphic design and design psychology best practices stand out in the crowded Instagram feed, attracting more attention and boosting the reach of your giveaway.  


But a visually appeaing image or video doesn’t just catch the eye — it invites people to explore your brand. 

Finally, if your giveaway involves sharing the post to Stories, a well-designed visual is more likely to be reposted. After all, no one wants to mess up their aesthetic with a poorly designed image.

Promote Your Giveaway

Instagram giveaways aren’t a set-it-and-forget-it deal. Simply posting an announcement won’t maximize your brand’s visibility. 


To get real results, integrate your giveaway into your content plan throughout its duration. Regularly remind your followers, build anticipation, and keep the excitement alive. Use a variety of posts to do this, such as:

  • Casual reminders

  • Prize overviews

  • Recaps of recent entries (if the giveaway involves more effort than just liking or tagging)

Leverage Instagram’s countdown sticker in Stories to keep your giveaway top of mind.

Partnering with influencers is another effective way to boost your giveaway. Influencers can extend your reach, whether they’re just spreading the word or fully participating. Their endorsement can add credibility and attract more participants.

But if you want to reach a wider audience of potential participants with the help of influencer endorsements, you can also design your own sweatshirt that includes brand elements like your company's name and logo to send this merch to influencers and ask them to wear this item when creating posts or going live. 

Finally, consider using paid ads to promote your giveaway. Targeted ads on Instagram can ensure your campaign reaches the right audience, driving more engagement and achieving your brand awareness goals.

Encourage Engagement 

Comments are gold when it comes to Instagram’s algorithm. The more comments your post receives, the more likely Instagram is to promote it to a wider audience. Essentially, more comments mean a bigger reach, which is crucial for maximizing your giveaway’s impact.

To capitalize on this, make commenting a core part of your giveaway mechanic. For example, ask participants to tag a friend, share why they want to win, or answer a fun question related to your brand or product. Questions like “What’s your favorite way to use [your product]?” or “Who would you share this prize with?” can spark engagement and keep the conversation going.

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Another tactic is to avoid limiting the number of entries when tagging people to enter. By allowing participants to comment multiple times, you not only boost the number of comments but also extend the reach of your post far beyond your usual follower base.

Be as Transparent as Possible

Transparency is key to building trust and getting more people to join in. When participants know the process is clear and fair, they’re more likely to engage.

Break down how winners will be chosen so everyone knows the steps are fair and straightforward.


Skip cramming the terms and conditions into your post caption. Instead, publish the full details on a separate page, like your website or a platform like Notion.

Make sure to announce the winners quickly. If you're picking them at random, show it’s legit by using a random picker tool and sharing a screen recording or going live on Instagram. Tools like Comment Picker, Woobox, and Gleam are great for this.


Keep New Followers Around after the Giveaway Ends

Instagram giveaways boost brand awareness, but the real work starts once the contest ends. The first 1-2 weeks are key — show up consistently so new followers don’t forget you. Share engaging, high-quality content that keeps them interested and helps them learn more about your brand. If they don’t recognize you, they’re more likely to unfollow.

Yes, some people will inevitably leave, which might impact your stats, but don’t worry. Focus on those who stay — they’re your hottest leads. Use this time to engage and turn their interest into lasting loyalty with smart social selling.

Ready to Build Brand Awareness with an Instagram Giveaway? 

Instagram giveaways are a powerful tool for boosting brand awareness, but their success hinges on strategy. Know your audience, keep the entry process simple, and design eye-catching visuals. Promote your giveaway consistently, encourage engagement, and be transparent with your process. After the giveaway ends, keep those new followers engaged to turn them into loyal customers.

But remember, building brand awareness isn’t the only goal. Use your giveaway to multitask.

For example, have followers share brand experiences for future testimonials, gather UGC by encouraging product posts, or offer discounts to participants to drive impulse purchases.

With the right approach, your Instagram giveaway can be more than just a one-time boost; it can be a launchpad for long-term growth.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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