How To Choose The Ideal Italian Dual Citizenship Route For Family Immigration

Daniel Hall 01/08/2022

When it comes to family immigration, things can be more challenging than moving alone.

The entire process sounds daunting, but choosing the right destination can make a difference. Italy is one of the best countries for family immigration because it offers multiple dual citizenship routes. There is a good chance to qualify for either of these routes, and they facilitate immigration for your loved ones. But you must choose wisely and identify the option that addresses your situation and needs. You can get in touch with these Italian Citizenship experts to understand the alternatives and take a pick. Let us share some tips to help pick the ideal route for family immigration. 

Dig Deep Into Your Options 

Since you have multiple dual citizenship options, picking the apt one requires careful consideration. Picking randomly is the last thing you should do because you may find it unexpectedly complicated. You must plan for the process, and understand the eligibility and timelines for immigration before committing to it. Here are the options you can explore-

  • Citizenship by descent is apt if you have an Italian lineage through parents, grandparents, and even distant ancestors

  • Citizenship by marriage works if you are married to an Italian citizen (even same-sex civil unions qualify)

  • Citizenship by naturalization applies to families who have been in Italy as residents for more than a decade 

Assess Suitability For Your Family

Since each route has specific eligibility requirements, you must assess your suitability in the first place. Citizenship by descent is perhaps the easiest one as qualifying for it automatically passes on the rights to your dependents and the next generations. The marriage route lets you bring your children along, though you may start a family only after joining your spouse in Italy. But having biological or adopted children with them before applying for the process actually speeds it up. The naturalization route is your only option if you do not qualify for the others. You may start with an investor visa, obtain a residence status, and become a citizen eventually. The good thing is that you can bring your family without additional investment, and they also qualify for naturalization after an extended stay.

Collaborate with an Expert

The best piece of advice is to collaborate with an expert because they are in the best place to suggest the ideal citizenship route for your family. Getting a second passport can be a breeze with a professional helping you pick the alternative right for your family. They also offer support for the documentation and steps of the process. You can rely on them to ensure no omissions or errors that may lead to a delay or rejection of your citizenship application. 

Italian dual citizenship is the best gift you can give your family as it provides them with one of the most powerful passports. Moreover, they can access quality education and healthcare. The right passes on to the next generations automatically as they qualify by descent, making it the best legacy for your loved ones.

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