How to Know If You Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits

Daniel Hall 06/02/2021 4

Anybody can be temporarily or even permanently disabled.

Many analysts estimate that Americans in their 20s now have around 30 percent of the chance to encounter a debilitating illness that is extreme enough to trigger at least three months of missing work before they retire. When you have an illness or accident that makes you unable to function, you can apply for regular disability payments from the Social Security Administration. However, applying for Social Security disability compensation can be difficult, and the qualifying bar is set reasonably high. Read on to learn more about Social Security disability benefits and how to qualify.

What Are Social Security Disability Benefits? 

Social Security Disability Insurance is regular checks that support individuals who become too ill to function. There are two separate schemes in which SSA pays, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplementary Security Income payments (SSI). SSI and SSDI are meant for two distinct classes of disabled workers, with different benefits and qualifications and different means of support.

How Do You Qualify For SSDI?

You need to follow certain specific criteria to apply for SSDI.

You Must Have Garnered a Reasonable Amount of Work Credits

Work credits are essentially points that you gain by receiving and paying social security taxes on a certain amount of income. According to one Jefferson City Social Security Lawyer, the exact amount of job credits you need to apply for SSDI will change based on how old you are before you become disabled. As a general rule, you can theoretically apply if you earned at least 20 credits in 10 years since you were disabled and if you earned a total of 40 or more credits. However, if you are younger as you become injured, the age-based criterion for job credit is diminished.

You Need to Satisfy the Meaning of Disabled Persons

This means that you ought to have a serious long-term medical problem that keeps you from functioning. Your disability has to have a dramatic effect on your ability to do basic work, such as lifting, standing, walking, lying, and memorizing for at least 12 months. The cause of your disability does not matter-it can be the consequence of an accident, disease, or some other cause. The major point is that you follow the SSA's precise and narrow meaning of what it means to be disabled.

You Must Not be Able to do Any Work that You Are Eligible

You would be unable to do not only the work you did before you were injured but also all other work for which you are eligible. The SSA will look at your transferable abilities and see how you can do more jobs in terms of your disability status. In general, the younger you are, the more likely it is that the SSA will decide that you have transferable abilities and that you will be able to find some sort of career despite your condition.


Although you can petition for disability and even attend an appeal hearing without a lawyer, most patients seek a lawyer if they are first rejected. According to the report, there is a 60% likelihood that your proposal will be accepted if you hire an attorney. Hope this writing has helped you with your Social Security disability benefits application.

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  • Dan Ternouth

    Stay safe everyone !!!

  • Aaron Prior

    Getting disabled this year is the icing on the cake.

  • Robert Laird

    Of course hiring an attorney improves the odds of a social security disability benefits application

  • Lewis Fairclough

    Accidents can occur anytime especially at night