How To Make Sure That Your Team Is Having Fun In The Workplace

Vartika Kashyap 29/07/2020 4

During these gloomy days of COVID-19, happiness at the workplace seems to be the last thing on the mind of employees, leaders, entrepreneurs and managers.

However, it shouldn’t be. We all know the benefits of a happy workplace, so why not ensure that there’s always a reason to be happy at work. 

After all, you are happy when you are having fun, and happy people are more productive. In short, having fun at work inspires you to be more productive. 

Here are two simple steps that you can follow to transform your office into a happy place to work for your employees:

Clear the Air

Fun is the last thing that people associate with leaders, especially when we talk about conventional workplaces. So, the first thing you need to do is to make sure that everyone knows having fun in the workplace won’t be treated as a crime. 

Foster an environment where people feel free to work, laugh, enjoy and have a good time doing what they love doing. Inspire your team members to engage beyond work related activities. 

Celebrate Being Together

Another amazing thing that we do here at ProofHub is to celebrate the feeling of being together. 

At ProofHub, we have inculcated ‘fun’ as part of the work culture. We religiously follow a schedule not just for our work related tasks but team events as well. 

And, even during the lockdown due to COVID-19 we did not miss on having some fun with these team events, where we played games and celebrated the feeling of being together as a team during these tough times.

Create a Work Culture Where Happiness Thrives!

Being the leader, you have this responsibility towards your team members to create an environment where they feel comfortable and happy working in. It does not require you to do a lot to ensure the same - all it requires is a little self-realization and some minor changes; like the ones that I have highlighted above.

If you are able to bring them into practice, I assure that you are going to create a work culture where employees are not just happy but deliver their productive best in everything they do. 

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  • Jake Cowan

    Nailed it Vartika

  • Vlad Gavriluta

    Most people are not happy, which is sad.

  • Adam Hanratty

    Thanks for the motivation

  • James Cashatt

    Really interesting