How To Overcome The Habit of Procrastination

Rayson Choo 29/05/2023

As we all know, everybody procrastinates, but it depends on the type of procrastination: harmless or harmful.

If we procrastinate doing a useful or informative activity that we find refreshing, or if we take a short break to recharge ourselves, then that is not a form of negative procrastination.

So, what is procrastination then? It is the habit of putting off important, less pleasurable tasks by doing something that’s easier or more pleasurable. Email, Instagram, TikTok, Snacking, and Netflix are a procrastinator’s best friends.

Why do we procrastinate?

1) We lack motivation, and/or

2) We underestimate the power of present emotions versus future emotions when we set our goals or make our to-do lists.

3) We are worried about the outcome being less than perfect hence, we put things off or delay completing tasks.

4) We are lazy.

Then what can we do to overcome procrastination?

1) Start Working, Especially When You Don't Feel Like It

Even if you only work for 15 or 30 minutes, getting started will help you feel more motivated and productive. Tackle the easiest or most enjoyable part of the task to build momentum. As you make progress, your motivation will increase.

2) Make a Schedule for Yourself and Stick to It

Set daily or weekly goals and break them down into actionable steps. Give yourself deadlines for each step and schedule time to work on them. Track your progress and hold yourself accountable.

3) Break Down Large Tasks Into Smaller Steps

Break down tasks into increments of less than 2 hours. This keeps the work from seeming overwhelming. Set a timer and focus on one task for the duration of the timer. Then take a short break before moving on to the next task.

You can use The Pomodoro Technique by working for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break. The timed intervals will help keep you on track and the regular breaks can help to prevent mental fatigue.

4) Eliminate Distractions

Block out time for your tasks and avoid distraction. Start your day early. Waking up early allows you to get a head start on your tasks before the day’s distractions begin. End your workday on time and avoid working late at night. Spend your evenings on hobbies, socializing, and self-care.

By implementing these techniques, you will overcome procrastination and achieve more each day through improved productivity and focus. You will gain momentum toward your goals and develop positive habits that will benefit you for life.

Also, if you are interested in topics of entrepreneurshippersonal development, and mindset, consider checking my podcast "The Raygacy Show" where I get to pick the brains of the best entrepreneurs around the world such as Gary Vee and Grant Cardone.

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