Making The Most Of America’s Migrant Workforce

Daniel Hall 05/08/2021

The migrants that come to the USA in order to live and work provide a contribution that’s far larger than their impact, and this is demonstrated by scientific studies despite any other debate.

Research published by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reveals that they are typically employed at a rate 5% above the background level in America, and often fill in job gaps that, without their skills, would go unfilled. The skills and benefits that migrant workers offer can be of interest to businesses of all sizes and in all industries - harnessing that can be a huge benefit to a business.

Understanding the Law

Migrant labor is, of course, tightly controlled in the USA. For most businesses, especially in retail, H2b visas are the most relevant. This covers seasonal work, for instance in hospitality, construction, warehouse and retail. The H2b allowance is currently set at 66,000 and is split in half over the fiscal year, according to UCIS. Most other visa systems work in similar ways, with time limits and caps, and various conditions applied to whether the work being undertaken is appropriate to the worker. It’s absolutely crucial that a business properly documents their worker via this process - the fines and potential litigation can be very damaging to a business. This will protect the business and the worker, and ensure that every box is ticked before work ever commences.

Protecting Workers

Migrant labor workers can have a wonderful impact on your business, but they need the protection of their employers. Full insurance should be advised for workers in addition to ensuring their visa affairs are in order. Furthermore, crises like COVID-19 have exposed new ways that migrant workers need to be protected by their employers in the USA. Happy and healthy workers are going to be more productive. Taking a proactive view to the needs of workers, rather than just seeing them as another resource to be used to benefit the business, will reflect positively on the business owner and improve productivity for them and their migrant workers.

Increasing Levels?

According to Reuters, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has stated that over 600,000 Mexican workers will need to be provided to the USA in order to meet extant labor demands. With greater dialogue established between the Mexican and American administrations, there’s every chance that this will lead to a greater level of understanding and cooperation between the two countries. With a greater need for migrant labor, there is the prospect of raised visa levels and the infrastructure and integration schemes that come with that. 

This is an opportunity for businesses. The migrant labor force provides a huge amount of skilled and unskilled work and is a key part of the American working society. Businesses have a lot to gain, and can provide real development and quality employment for people that have worked hard to gain entry to the USA and its labor market.

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