Moving Internationally? Here’s a Carefully Curated List of Must-Dos

Daniel Hall 27/04/2023

Moving internationally can be quite a daunting prospect, especially if you’ve never done it before!

This huge life event comes with so many things to plan and worry about that it may seem overwhelming – but fear not! 

Here's a guide that will help you through the process of moving internationally with this carefully curated list of must-dos. With this advice, you won‘t miss a single detail when making that big move abroad. 

1. Move Your Belongings 

Moving to a new country can be an exciting but daunting experience. The movers working at The Seven Seas Worldwide MoveCube® know how difficult it can be sometimes to take a ton of things with you, especially when going to a new country. There are so many things to organize and consider, including the logistics of moving your belongings. 

This may seem like a daunting task at first, but it's a must-do if you want to start your new life on the right foot. Moving your belongings not only helps you settle in faster but also gives you a sense of familiarity and comfort in a new and unfamiliar environment. It's an opportunity to declutter and reevaluate your possessions, making sure you only bring the essentials.

2. Research The Destination

Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure, but it can also be overwhelming. One thing that can make the transition smoother is taking the time to research your new destination. From learning about the local culture and customs to finding the best places to eat and shop, researching your new home before you arrive can save you time, money, and stress. 

You would be surprised how much helpful information you can find online or through talking to locals. Not only will it help you feel more prepared, but it will also give you a better appreciation for the new experiences that await you. So take the time to research your new destination, and you'll start your new life abroad on the right foot.

3. Find Housing 

This is another one of the most important things to consider when moving to a new country. Not only is it a must-do to have a place to call home, but the process can also be exciting and full of new experiences. From searching for the right neighborhood to navigating local rental laws, finding a place to live in a foreign country can be a challenge. 

However, with the right mindset and resources, it can also be an opportunity to learn about a new culture and way of life. Whether it's renting an apartment, sharing a house with roommates, or even buying a property, taking the time to find the right living situation can help make your international move a success.

4. Learn The Language

Moving to a new country can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be daunting if you're not familiar with the language. Aside from being able to communicate with the locals and make new friends, speaking can also open up a world of job opportunities and help you navigate the everyday tasks that come with living in a new country. 

Don't worry if you're not a natural linguist – there are plenty of resources available to help you learn, from language classes and online courses to language exchange programs and apps. With a bit of dedication and practice, you'll soon be speaking like a native and feeling more at home in your new surroundings.

5. Create A Financial Plan

While the thought of a new adventure overseas may have you feeling excited and exhilarated, the reality is that you'll need to be well-prepared financially to make it a reality. By creating a plan, you'll gain a clearer understanding of your budget, your expenses, and your potential sources of income. 

This way, you'll be able to set goals for yourself, whether that means saving a specific amount each month or reducing your debt. And, most importantly, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you've taken a proactive approach to your finances, which can ease the stress and anxiety that often comes with such a significant life change. 

6. Get Your Documents In Order 

One of the most crucial tasks in this exhaustive process is to ensure that you've got all your necessary documents in order. This includes the following:

  • passport

  • visa

  • work permit

  • birth certificate

  • marriage certificate

  • driver’s license

  • medical records

  • educational records

  • insurance documentation

  • academic records

  • employment history

  • financial documents

Not having the right documentation in place can cause serious delays, frustration, and even legal issues. Remember, different countries have varying requirements, so it's vital to do your research and make sure you have everything you need well in advance of your departure date.

7. Pack Efficiently 

Packing right will not only help you save on shipping costs and avoid bulky and heavy items, but it will also ensure that you have everything you need upon your arrival. Start by making an inventory list of all your belongings and then categorize them based on their importance and urgency. Pack essential items such as clothes, toiletries, and important documents in a carry-on bag. 

For larger items such as furniture and appliances, consider selling them or storing them temporarily. Utilize space-saving techniques such as rolling clothes and placing smaller items inside shoes. With a bit of planning and organization, you can make the moving process more manageable and stress-free.

8. Ensure Proper Healthcare

Having healthcare as soon as you land in the new country is essential for your well-being as well as for your finances. It can be difficult navigating a new healthcare system, but it is important to have access to quality care in case of any medical issues. Research the options available in your new country and make sure you are covered with insurance or government programs. 

Don't wait until an emergency arises to figure out your healthcare options. Being proactive and ensuring proper healthcare is a must-do for a smooth transition to your new home. Remember, your health is one of your most valuable assets, so make it a priority.

Moving internationally can be an overwhelming process, but it doesn't have to be a stressful one. If you plan ahead, do your research, and seek advice from professionals, you will have a successful relocation experience. Don't forget the importance of taking precautions for your health and embracing the challenge of learning a new language and culture. 

Although moving abroad can seem daunting at first, the transition can offer immense rewards that come with gaining a global perspective on life. The international adventure awaits - go forth with confidence prepared for all that is to come!

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