Overcoming The Challenges Of Loading And Unloading Double Deck Trailers

Daniel Hall 02/02/2023

Double deck trailers create a number of challenges for warehouse operatives and loading personnel.

Despite the clear benefits that they offer to all within the industry, thanks to the increase in use of double deck trailers, it is now very apparent that they can be incredibly risky when loaded and unloaded. In this article, produced by Transdek, we will cover some of the challenges that double deck trailers create during the loading and unloading processes and tips on how to overcome them. 

Loading and Unloading a Double Deck Trailer to Avoid Injuries 

As more and more hauliers make use of double deck trailers to improve their offering and streamline their operations, understanding how to work with these safely is imperative. 

One of the major issues with double deck trailers is accessibility. Because of the height restriction, conventional loading equipment such as forklifts cannot reach the upper decks, forcing staff without any options, to manually load and unload them. This can create serious risks for employees. Ergonomic injury is a major problem – if lifting is not executed correctly, workers can  suffer injuries due to the strain of lifting and reaching. 

Weight Distribution on the Double Deck Trailer 

Proper double deck trailer loading is a critical step in the transport industry. Weight distribution on each level of the double deck trailer is essential to ensure that the weight is properly balanced and the cargo does not move during transit. Working with an experienced driver or logistics provider can help ensure that double deck trailers are loaded properly for maximum operational efficiency and safety protection when on the road.

Adhering to Regulations When Loading a Double Deck Trailer

Regulations regarding training requirements and maximum heights of double deck containers on public roads exist to ensure proper management of double deck trailers. Companies must minimise double stacking of containing elements for double deck trailers and container blocks, to ensure no breaches of safety regulations. 

Additionally, companies should double check their double stack configurations against applicable regulations before proceeding with any loading operations – this includes an awareness of legal requirements surrounding permitted double stack weights. Accurately accounting for weight capacity of double deck trailers is essential for a safe and compliant operation, so it’s understandably critical for companies to gain a clear understanding of the relevant health and safety regulations before attempting double deck trailer loading processes.

Overcoming these Challenges with a Double Deck Lift 

Double deck lifts have been designed as the perfect solution for double deck loading. Thanks to their strong and precise design, double deck lifts can be tailored to individual loading operations. This means they can suit the requirements of even the tallest double deck trailers. Helping to streamline the process, making loading easier than ever before, and removing the number of hazards, previously mentioned, associated with double deck loading. 

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