Sadhguru’s 10 Practical Tips for Success

“With the source of creation ignited within you, you are a powerful source of creation...Now, visualize three things you want to accomplish: one, a short term vision, something you want to accomplish within the next two months; second, a mid term vision, something you want to accomplish in the next two to three years; and then a long term vision, something that you want as a life’s accomplishment. Now, visualize your first vision. Create a vivid positive image of your vision in your mind, and see it being accomplished...” – Meditation guided by Sadhguru

I was happily introduced to this meditation by Hollywood-based Patrick D. Cheh. He is an upbeat, enlightened filmmaker who’s worked as an executive producer/producer on big budget Hollywood movies from The Patriot with Steven Segal (1998), and The Watcher with Keanu Reevs (2000) to independent movies under Cheh’s Wakingup Media umbrella like Crossing (2008), which won Best Film and Best Screenplay by Chunsa Film Art Awards. He also has aspirational projects like I Am the King, and Glow among others in development.

This particular meditation has now become an inspirational daily ritual for me, and one that is bearing fruit as I get ready to see the release of my first novel, REJEX, this spring on Pulp Hero Press.

I discovered that Sadhguru is a “fully realized mystic and a yogi” who has touched and transformed millions of people around the world through his Inner Engineering Programs — programs that have helped “fix” people to live their lives with more inspiration, intent, clarity and success. Sadhguru recently offered the Inner Engineering Program in Los Angeles from March 30-31, and now brings his program to Philadelphia from April 27-28, 2019.

I was thinking, that if we humans are the creators of adverse climate change and environmental degradation, it’s logical that we are also the instigators of so many of our worldwide problems — wars, world hunger, depletion of essential natural resources like clean water and air, economic disparity between rich and poor, racial/religious/sexual discrimination, overpopulation, overmedication, and overstressed people.

And, if we humans, through our self-absorption and selfishness, are the root problem, then first fixing us should help us better deal with world issues. Fortunately, it appears that for the first time in human history, we now have the necessary resources, technologies, and capabilities to overcome these bigger challenges.

So, if you feel it’s time for a new perspective, for a new “fix” in your life, Sadhguru suggests 10 success mantras that are useful tools in all that you do.

•Forget Luck, Live by Intent

Sadhguru: When you live by chance, you also live in fear and anxiety. When you live by intent and capability, it does not matter what is happening or not happening, at least you are in control of what is happening to you.

•Stop Fixating on Failure

Sadhguru: For a committed man, there is no such thing as failure. If you fall down 100 times in the day, it is 100 lessons learnt.

•Work with Clarity

SadhguruWhat a human being needs is clarity, not confidence.

•Embrace the People and Things You Dislike

Sadhguru: Learn to do things that you do not like, be with people that you do not like, and still live your life sensibly, lovingly and joyfully.

•Drop Your Calculations

Sadhguru: If you just drop this one calculation, “What about me?” from your head, and function to the best of your ability, in some way you will be great because you will naturally be looking at, “What can I do about all the life around me?”

•Yoga For Success

Sadhguru: Both the neurological and energy systems branch out in a big way between the shoulder blades and above. So, keeping the neck region in a good condition is very important. 

•Be Equanimous and Exuberant

Sadhguru: Only when your energies are exuberant do you have the ability to tide over obstacles in day-to-day life and move towards your success. If equanimity and exuberance are brought into your mind and body, success will come to you much more easily.

•Tune Up Your Insight

Sadhguru: Insight means you pay attention to life around you in such a way that you are able to see things that most people cannot see. 

•Find Your Inspiration

Sadhguru: Every action that human beings perform is a contribution to some dimension of this world. Whatever you may be doing, someone could be benefitted by it. Being conscious of your contribution will keep you inspired.

•Set the Gold Standard in Integrity

Sadhguru: Integrity is important because when you want to function in the world, how much trust you generate with the people you interact with determines how easy or hard your daily efforts will be.


A long-time Canadian friend of mine, Michelle Merizzi, who is attending the Inner Engineering Program in Philadelphia, offers how Sadhguru has had a positive influence on her life:

“I found Sadhguru when I was at a very low point. I felt like my life was a failure. I had always been an upbeat, determined and very creative person, but I just wanted to go lay down in the ravine and not come back up. Since that wasn’t an option, I had to find a way to solve this feeling of utter bleakness. While watching a Deepak Chopra video with Sadhguru as a guest, his forthright and sensible answers made me want to know more. So I watched countless hours of Sadhguru’s talks, and started doing his Isha Kriya. In a short time I was cautiously optimistic that the ravine wasn’t going to get me. I have since taken several of his residential courses at iii, and volunteered for many more. Isha has become an important part of my daily life, and through Sadhana, I have found joy and ease. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

So, if you feel ready for change, check out Sadhguru’s message.

For upcoming events and webinars, and the latest wisdom from Sadhguru, drop in on his helpful website. And, drop in on Ashley Jude Collie’s REJEX novel website.

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  • Sam Thompson

    Depression has hit my grades like a truck

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Sam Thompson

    Get moving, don't wallow, Sam, keep moving, life will find you. Thanks for commenting!

  • Sam Thompson

    In reply to: ashley collie

    I feel much better now, thanks a lot !

  • Beth McClelland

    I want to change something big in my life. I am gonna fight for it.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Beth McClelland

    Beth, start right now, get moving, do something, anything. It starts with you. Look at the link for the visual meditation I do every day! Thanks for commenting.

  • Beth McClelland

    In reply to: ashley collie

    Sure will do.

  • Hannah Elizabeth

    Soul, heart, sweat and focus. Never give up guys!

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Hannah Elizabeth

    Hannah, so true. My parents had a funny cartoon on their fridge with a frog in the mouth of a big bird, but it had its front hands/legs around the bird's neck - winners never quit, quitters never win. Thanks for commenting. Namaste.

  • Brett Ambrose

    Wise words !!

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Brett Ambrose

    Brett, we get so distracted by the noise around us, we forget the simple truth. Thanks for commenting.

  • Eric Bolyn

    Totally right. Thanks so much.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Eric Bolyn

    Thanks for commenting, Eric. It's a grand life if you don't weaken.

  • Nicole Westrupp

    Very powerful !!

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Nicole Westrupp

    Totally agree, Nicole. Check out some of his links, especially the opening quote and visualization link. Thanks for commenting.

  • rohit aggrwal

    thanks for the information