Useful Advice To Get Started On LinkedIn Without Losing Precious Time

Daniel Hall 02/08/2022

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool that can help you connect with potential customers, partners, and employees.

However, it can be tricky to navigate at first, and it's easy to waste precious time if you're not sure what to do. This article will provide some useful advice to help you get started on LinkedIn without losing valuable time!

Have Your Own Newsletter

Making sure all interested parties always know what you're doing and where you're going professionally is a great way to ensure good connections. Tons of newbies are using the option to create a newsletter on LinkedIn as it allows them to blast their professional news to a wide audience without losing precious time. You can even link your newsletter sign-up page in your LinkedIn profile summary section! This is an easy way to get started on LinkedIn and make sure everyone knows what you're up to professionally.

Creating a newsletter is also a great way to show off your skills and expertise. By including helpful articles, tips, and resources, you can demonstrate that you know what you're talking about, even if you're just starting out. If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of online resources and templates available to help get you started.

Describe Yourself 

If you can sell yourself, it means that you can sell basically anything, which is a mantra many real estate agents live by. Make sure to shine a light on every positive aspect of your personality in order to make a great first impression. Prospective clients are looking for someone they can like and trust, so it is important that you show them who you are from the get-go. 

One way to start describing yourself is by saying what you do day-to-day. Talk about your job, but don't stop there! Mention any hobbies or interests that make you unique. Do you play in a band? Are you training for a marathon? Do people come to you for relationship advice? These are all things that make you more than just an agent, they make you a human being with depth and character. 

Add All Necessary Details 

Make sure that everyone knows who you are, what you're looking for, and what you have to offer by adding all the necessary details to your profile. LinkedIn is not like other social media platforms where you can get away with a few sentences. In order to make the most of this professional networking site, you need to put in the effort and fill out your profile as completely as possible. 

This means adding detailed information about your work experience, education, skills, and more. Don't forget to also add links to your website or blog so that people can learn more about you.  

Highlight Marketable Skills 

There are certain skills nowadays that give you an edge over others. These are the following:

  • Computer skills: Many employers require their employees to know how to use computers. This is because the majority of businesses now rely on technology.
  • Interpersonal skills: These are important for jobs that require customer service or working with a team.
  • Communication skills: Being able to communicate effectively is important in any job.
  • Leadership skills: These are important for management positions or jobs that require supervising others.
  • Problem-solving skills: Many employers value employees who can solve problems independently.

Investing in yourself by learning all these skills will make you more marketable and employable. Not to mention, it will also make your LinkedIn profile stand out from the rest. 

Send Requests 

LinkedIn connections are among the most important ones you'll ever make, so don't be afraid of sending requests. It's the best way to get started on LinkedIn and grow your network.

When looking for suitable connections, LinkedIn provides you with a "People You May Know" list. This is a great starting point, as these are people that LinkedIn has identified as being in your extended network.

You can also use the search function to find specific individuals or groups that you want to connect with. When sending connection requests, always include a personal note.

Use A Good Photo

It's essential that you take a professional-looking photo for your LinkedIn profile. Your photo is one of the first things people will see when they visit your profile, so you want to make sure it's a good representation of you.

You need to look clean, smart, confident, and approachable in your photo. Avoid using a selfie, or a photo that's been taken on a night out. If you don't have a good-quality headshot, it's worth getting one taken.

LinkedIn is the best networking tool you'll ever use for business, so make sure to set the profile up the right way. Use a newsletter to attract people and describe yourself in the best way possible. Highlight all your marketable skills and send requests to any possible person who can help you make progress. Finally, make sure to use a professionally-made photo that radiates greatness!

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