Why Microlearning Is A Superb Online Training Strategy

Felix Yim 10/06/2022

Have you ever noticed how your focus shifts during a meeting?

Why is it that people can't recall what they're taught and trained? You might get the feeling that conventional learning methods aren't the most effective. Recent research has demonstrated the drawbacks of conventional methods. It confirmed the efficiency of a new approach to microlearning.

But, what exactly is microlearning? What is the science behind this strategy's efficiency? Let's have a look!

What is Microlearning?

Microlearning is concerned with small learning units and short-term learning activities. It's all about offering interesting and engaging training material in short modules. In simple words, microlearning breaks down a large amount of training material into smaller bits. These small, understandable segments focus on a specific learning goal that makes it easy for learners to get the knowledge they need whenever they want it. 

Microlearning content can take many different forms. It includes texts, videos, graphics, audio, games, assessments, and quizzes. But, it should always be concise and straightforward, so that it can help learners retain the information for a long time. 

Science Behind Microlearning's Effectiveness

Learning takes place in a contextual and dynamic environment. It is unique to each individual; everyone has their own pace at which they can learn. Researchers have discovered the factors that influence human learning. Behaviorism, constructivism, cognitivism, and experiential learning are some of these factors. But, what do they all imply and how do they connect to microlearning? Let's have a look.


Behaviorism claims that the training process shapes human behavior by means of interaction. This indicates the training process of behaviorism mainly relates to human behavior. Positive or negative environmental changes are the result of this training. Positive changes can use "rewards" and negative changes can use "punishments". Either way, these changes can encourage learners to stay engaged and complete the course they started.


Constructivism is where learners create knowledge rather than soak in information. As a person interacts with the universe and responds to the interactions, they develop and integrate new knowledge into their existing knowledge. Basically, an individual’s prior knowledge plays an important role in this process. To encourage constructivism in learners, use open-ended questions and collaborative thinking in microlearning.


According to cognitive psychology, knowledge is acquired in a systematic and symbolic way. Learning is the result of a person's mental processes. It includes memory, thoughts, knowledge, reflection, problem-solving, and motivation. The most prevalent learning modes for this method are lectures and reading.

Experiential Learning

People can only learn from their mistakes. You can't teach everything to everyone, but you can provide an experience based on the intellectual abilities of learners and help them take a step towards learning. 

Microlearning, in addition to being more efficient, can be more engaging than regular courses, notably when interactivity of experiential learning is used. Because the human brain is not constructed to keep concentrating for hours, microlearning modules have a short duration to match learners' working memory capacity.

An Evidence-Based Approach To Learning

An expert states there are four strategies that improve the memory of the learner. These strategies include spaced repetition, confidence-based assessment, retrieval practice, and interleaving.

  1. Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is a learning approach in which lessons are repeated. It assists learners in completely integrating knowledge into their core memory. Learning in staggered periods allows for long-term retention of information. Microlearning also allows you to break down complex subjects into smaller parts and fit them into your daily busy schedule. It allows you to deliver reinforcing activities in short periods.

  1. Memory Exercises

Memory exercises involve retrieving information from the learner’s mind/memory. It's another efficient way to increase long-term retention. You can use microlearning to add more learning activities. A quiz to test a learner's ability to solve a task is one of the excellent options.

  1. Confidence-Based Assessment

It evaluates the accuracy of a learner's knowledge as well as their confidence in the retained knowledge. It intends to improve memory and reduce guessing. It can assist in making an accurate and realistic perception of learner performance.

  1. Interleaving

Instead of focusing on one skill at a time, interleaving practice involves acquiring two or more related skills. It involves concepts in sequential order and accommodates different learning styles. Alternating between them can help to simulate real-world scenarios and boost long-term memory. You can also use microlearning to customize everyday learning experiences. 

Why Microlearning Is A Superb Online Training Strategy

Company owners often strive to manage their time. They focus on areas that produce immediate results rather than those that do not. Learning and development is one such area.

Learners become obsolete without training, and the company loses its competitive edge. Luckily, technological advancements have enabled the best learning approaches. One such method is microlearning. It consists of small-sized, concentrated lessons that focus on specific outcomes. It comes with many advantages, here are a few.

  • Saved Time and Money

Microlearning allows learners to study a module at their own pace. This study time could take place even during the workday. But there's nothing stopping employees from finishing a session at home if they want. It's completely up to them.

Microlearning can also completely reduce training costs. For example, it removes the costs of course manuals. Training departments will no longer rely on out-of-date printed materials. Instead, they will be able to update individual modules online. Microlearning's modular structure even allows for quick and easy modifications.

  • Increased Flexibility

A library of modules covering many topics can be useful. If the company has developed modules for each business activity, the new employee will at least have access to some materials that make it easier for them to begin their learning.

Learners have more flexibility over how and when they learn with access to the necessary courses and a deadline to complete them.

  • Increased Engagement

If learners believe their business is attempting to empower them, they respond with confidence. Microlearning uses easy-to-understand components. It includes bullet points, games, quizzes, and images to action learner disengagement. It has designed a new method of instruction to accommodate learners' short attention.


Microlearning is a key that cannot be ignored. It's based on research and aids in the development of a learner's knowledge while learning a skill. Modern methodologies such as adaptive learning and microlearning should have the above-mentioned behaviors. It will assist learners in maximizing their learning and performing at their best.

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