Jeff Davidson is "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management. Visit
At a seminar once, the seminar leader said to draw a circle on a page.
Throughout your career and personal life, your peers are the easiest to identify and partner with.
Invariably, when you decide to pursue a huge goal, someone will come along and tell you not to do it.
What would you like to achieve right now that represents a huge leap and requires you to make a commitment from which you cannot return?
Most people, including yourself, are not getting the 8 hours of sleep that they need each night.
Where are you physically? Do you have goals for your physical well-being?
I spoke at the Farmer's Insurance Group conference, one of the largest insurance groups in the United States.
You’ve probably heard about the five second rule.
Staying productive during the summer months requires a combination of strategic planning, healthy habits, and a flexible mindset.
So odd, but it happens to almost everyone. You possess items that you no longer want, but you have a difficult time parting with them.
The notion of staying longer after work to be more productive is a fallacy that will keep you chasing the clock.
You take a wrong turn in the city, perhaps missing the desired exit ramp and you end up on a street with which you are totally unfamiliar.
Want to make yourself more quotable? Go back through your written works -- everything you've ever written and saved -- and this includes letters, emails, and routine correspondence, as well as tweets, Powerpoint slides, formal reports, and possibly any articles or books you've written.
Summer or not, as a speaker it's generally in your best interest not to show perspiration in front of your audience.
We can't guard against the unknown, but we can do our best with what we have.
Upon an unexpected setback at work, some people fall into a “justice trap.” They think that somehow a cosmic sense of justice will prevail.
Based on what you do on an average day, it is understandable that sometimes you feel very tired, but when is the tired feeling that you have bordering on danger?
Having resilience is fundamental to dealing with upheaval in our professional or personal lives.
As people have known for ages, there is something encouraging, stimulating, and even inspiring about being affiliated with others.
If you intend to achieve the goals you set for yourself, your goals need to be:
Much has been written on affirmations and it's often misunderstood.
Running for or holding public office these days is no light task.
If you feel some days as if you’re making little or no progress on your chosen goal, take heart: The world is full of people who followed a sequential approach to achieving fabulous goals.
A study by researchers Sara Mednick, Denise Cai, Jennifer Kanady, and Sean Drummond published in Behavioural Brain Research (2008) found that naps are better than caffeine for improving verbal memory, motor skills, and perceptual learning.
You know the scenario: get to work on time, do your job effectively, come home on time, and hopefully have a life for the rest of the day.
The unprecedented proliferation of information-generating technology within the last generation has led to a world with no end to clutter, new data, and overloaded workers.
Our free time matters, but leisure, as a concept for many people, is on the rocks.
At some point throughout your days and your weeks, procrastination is something with which you will grapple.
Recent research in the field of genetics challenges the long-held belief that our lifespan is largely determined by hereditary factors.
At the end of the 1940s, researchers initiated a long-term study of 379 kindergartners to learn what factors in raising children would impact their adult life.
Resilience has been described as the ability to bounce back from adversity.
The average person is bombarded daily by more information than he or she can even comprehend.
Take a good look at the list below. What do all these events, listed in reverse order of occurrence, have in common? The answer: they all occur on Sunday evening.
In our careers and lives, we are subject to highs and lows nearly all the time.
A word meme on the internet got me to thinking about how wedded we are, often unnecessarily, to what's new and what's highly touted.
Have you been caught up in the rush, rush world of trying to get more done?
Here are five observations about work-life balance for career professionals, each followed by four quick tips to reinforce desired behavior:
In her book, My Grandfather's Blessings, Rachel Remen tells a story about a doctor who had to deliver a baby in the hallway of the emergency room area.
Suppose I asked you four questions to make you pause, think about what’s really important, perhaps take some action steps, and get you moving in a positive direction. What might I ask?
As March beckons, here is an observation a day to streamline your life and have a greater sense of breathing space:
Becoming a successful project manager requires a unique blend of skills, adaptability, and strategic thinking.
The need for reform in college baseball is evident, as lengthy games and slow play are causing a decline in fan interest.
Are you among the legions of individuals who suspect that they might have the makings of a good memoir, waiting to make its way onto the page?
Traditionally, society has tended to regard those who attend some type of religious service on a regular basis as spiritual. If you're among them, more power to you.
On the face of it, checking in for your flight seems pretty simple – follow the time instructions listed on your boarding pass.
Not every day can be sparkling but there are some simple things you can do to make things go a little smoother.
Wanting to stay young is a universal desire for many people.
At least half the battle in alleviating stress is simply becoming more aware of how you react to situations.
In the age of the Internet it's far too easy to be swindled, but long before then, my friend Eric almost got taken to the cleaners in a rental situation.
I quit my first post-college job feeling that there was more for me to do in the business world than sell calculators.
When we get good sleep, our body undergoes dozens and dozens of repairs each night.
Post your resolutions on your bathroom mirror or wherever you'll automatically notice them as you start each day.
On each trip to the supermarket, shop for at least two food items that are new to you or your family.
Wow, another year! They keep on coming don't they? Here are some tips to start off the year that might make a difference long after January.
Many individuals have this week off from work.
We’ve all heard the phrase, “random acts of kindness.”
In today's fast-paced and digitally connected world, life can often become overwhelming.
To be overloaded by information and communication everyday is frustrating, but not inevitable.
In less than two weeks, we welcome a new year.
* Remember, you're in charge of what kind of holiday you're going to have--not Madison Avenue, Currier and Ives, or any other manufactured notion of what your life should include.
* Go food shopping for the incidentals – canned cranberry sauce, soft drinks, napkins, etc.– long before you have to get them. You can hide them, they'll keep, and you'll have far less items to be concerned about.
Are you feeling the pinch as we inch toward the big holiday?
Are you living in real time or are you trying to catch up?
Each December, for many decades I have annually bestowed on honorary award: the Jeff Davidson "Mentor of the Year." I know, being a mentor to little old me is not a big deal in the world.
It’s official, Taylor Swift is now a billionaire. Not bad for age 33.
Until recently, I held the view that when you die, it is the end.
I grew up in Connecticut and all of my schooling was there. Were we told about any of the innovations and inventions, below, in school?
The song Those Were the Days sung by Mary Hopkins, was written by Gene Raskin, who put English lyrics to the original Russian song, Dorogoi Dlinnoyu, written by Boris Fomin.
When it came to making wise expenditures, I had a particularly bad year in 2013.
When you've set out to achieve a goal, it's easy to become discouraged somewhere along the way.
Just for fun, here are some euphemisms for everyday terms, described in more eloquent language perhaps than they merit:
I am in a chain bookstore in the Raleigh, NC Triangle.
The corporate quest for work-life balance has gained prominence.
Both at work and away from it, partners have achieved some pretty remarkable things.
Making new friends in business is easier and more rewarding than you might think.
If you've ever been on a cruise vacation you know that despite all your travel planning, expenses, and careful considerations, and on top of everything that the cruise line itself does for you, the people in the cabin next door can make or break your vacation.
To excel in your career, set clear goals. Keep learning and work hard. Build a professional network. Be adaptable and communicate well.
A milestone anniversary is approaching for me and my college buddies.
Most professional and Olympic athletes have personal coaches to help them cope with competition and play their game to their maximum potential.
People are feeling more stress these days, all day long.
Some people call it "being in the zone."
If you feel as if time races by too quickly, your quest is to optimize, but not maximize the hours in your day.
You will have many experiences in life; some joyful, some frightening, some profound, and most forgettable.
Success in your career often hinges on more than just your skills and qualifications. It also depends on your ability to stay organized and efficient.
Call me superstitious – actually I'm not – but go ahead, anyway.
As I travel around the country speaking to organizations, I am struck by the number of people in my audiences who seem perpetually overwhelmed.
No, I do not suggest buying a meal at a fast food restaurant.
Daily commutes in and around your metro area can be a drag but you have options that might make each journey more palatable.
In today's fast-paced world, the choice is clear: delegate tasks or risk falling behind.
Thomas Edison was not the first to discover or invent electric lights.
In the early 1990s, an extraordinary achievement unfolded in the world of Domino's Pizza that held profound implications for businesses and careers alike.
A flurry of articles and recent studies reveal that 'dress down' days in the workplace have not boosted worker productivity or morale.
When someone has been the victim of medical malpractice, particularly when it has been debilitating, it's not difficult to plunge into a cycle of despair.
Did you hear the one about the narcissistic reviewer who requests a book and then says one of her first tests as it arrives in the mailbox is, "Just how eager am I to read it?"
"As I travel around the country, I invite questions from my audiences," Powell noted. "They seem to be searching for a guiding star. They see order breaking down. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have a few 'rules' that I try to live by.":
Making your boss look good can only reflect favorably on you.
When you are flying, want to get work done, and told to put your cell phone in airplane mode, you might think that your productivity will suffer.
In the course of your professional and personal activities you will encounter vendors who let you down.
On some days, it seems as if there is simply too much to handle.
Mindy Weinstein, Ph. D., is the reigning subject matter expert on scarcity marketing.
In my earlier career as a management consultant, I frequently assisted small business owners and career professionals with marketing and sales.
To control the negative effects of stress in your life, it’s vital to understand how it affects your body and how you can manage stress in different areas of your life.
Research reveals that some people are apparently born optimistic -- such people naturally exude optimism to the utter bewilderment of the rest of the population.
Concentration is the ability to focus attention voluntarily, to ignore irrelevant stimuli, and to fix power and effort to a single goal.
We are confronted by staggering amounts of new information every day.
Piggy-backing on original words and music to the song Just the Way You Are by Billy Joel, with the same title, here is my parody:
In our quest to be good consumers, when we have been wronged by a service provider, it is often necessary to precisely document our grievances, and submit our protest to the vendor as soon as possible.
Living Your Life Out Loud by Sally Raspberry and Padi Selwin (Pocket Books) takes an innovative approach to helping you get the most out of life.
When I was 24 and had just completed an MBA at the University of Connecticut, Graduate School of Business.
When I left my first consulting position, I cast a wide net, seeking to land a job with a larger consulting firm.
Nearly every day, we are subject to highs and lows. Things are going well, happiness ensues, and we’re not conscious of the time.
Stress is a constant factor in the lives of nearly all career professionals.
You are born, and you receive a physical shell, namely your body.
You've got this great idea for an article, a new product offering, a new service offering, a flier, a brochure, a podcast, or what have you.
If you're just starting a business, or you've been in business for a while, you'll probably be interested in ways that you can list your business and services on the Internet.
You will have many experiences in life; some joyful, some frightening, some profound, and most forgettable.
Whether it was by your parents or parent surrogates, someone raised you.
No community that values safety, its citizens, and especially its children can allow the use of cell phones by drivers.
As a University of Connecticut alumnus, naturally I was aware two years ago of the phenomenal freshman season of Paige Bueckers.
What would your life be like if you had the ability to drop back when you wanted or needed to do so?
The first time you delegate anything to anyone, painstakingly walk them through exactly what you want them to achieve.
In my career as a professional speaker, I’ve addressed 1060 conferences, conventions, and meetings.
A "euphemism" is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that might suggest something more bluntly or offend others, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Do you feel the same way that I do about able-bodied couples who have a handicapped parking permit?
Suppose you were marooned on a desert island and, as it turns out, you could have 50 of your favorite books, as long as they were, say, 10 years or older. What would you choose?
One Wednesday afternoon after work, when I probably should have had a large glass of water before taking off, I left my office and proceeded towards the School of Ballet and met my daughter who was finishing her class. I had already been walking for 20 or 25 minutes when I decided to go up the hill. It is a steep climb on the order of 30 or 35 degrees. I vigorously proceeded up the hill about 450 steps, then made my way down, and finally walked out to the main road.
March is nearly the start of spring for some, and the continuation of winter for others.
I attended a session recently on dream interpretation, taught by someone who explains dreams to clients for a living.
Years ago, when I was a full-time management consultant supervising a staff of eight, I had two young women on my team who had, in fact, nearly similar capabilities.
These are times that try a career professional's souls! Everything is put on hold or up in the air.
Employing the original theme of I Fought the Law, music by Sonny Curtis of the Crickets, and popularized by the Bobby Fuller Four in 1966, here is my creation, I Fought the Clock.
Here, in the last few days of February, 2023, it is excessively warm in Raleigh. One afternoon, the temperature reached 80, followed by 84 the next day which set an all-time record.
Years back, I walked into a wholesale outlet store in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia and began looking around.
A continual lament that I hear when speaking to groups at conventions and conferences is, “I don’t have enough time. It seems to fly by.”
No one can grant you an extra hour or two each day; even if someone could, the 25- or 26-hour day might eventually become insufficient as well.
We’re already into the second month of the new year! Wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to have it not fly by so quickly?
Anyone can be a winner, but it's amazing how few people take advantage of their opportunities to succeed.
By now you know that URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
February is a short month, but in the 28 days that follow, by making small steps, you can reclaim your time.
The formula for winning in life, whether you're in jail or in chemotherapy or in a championship locker room or in the executive suite, is intuitive and instinctive. It's within everyone of us...
Take the lessons you’ve learned, and carry on with life.
At least half the battle in alleviating stress is simply becoming more aware of how you react to situations.
In his now hard to find book, The 24-Hour Society, Dr. Martin Moore-Ede, a former professor at Harvard Medical School, and a renowned authority on human circadian rhythm and its disruption by exposure to light, emphasizes an important rule about sleep: Go to bed when you're tired, not when you think you should.
It's a new year, is it time to adopt a new sport?
Would you like to increase the positive vibes in your life? Here's a simple way: perform three acts of goodness a day.
In case you've already passed a certain age and are thinking, "I have this big dream, but I'm too old," take heart.
I’ve spoken to nearly 1064 audiences at conventions, conferences, and meetings, and have had the opportunity to hear probably 800 other speakers as well.
Here is a key question: In a democracy, what is more important, employing the latest sophisticated electronic equipment which does not provide a paper trail, or having an accurate vote count where both sides can agree on the actual votes for each candidate?
Many people know that the Green New Deal misses the mark and that dire claims of global warming often fall far short.
Everywhere you look, many life-long career professionals are losing confidence in their ability to stay competitive in our rapidly changing world.
If you feel some days as if you’re making little or no progress on your chosen goal, take heart: The world is full of people who followed a sequential approach to achieving fabulous goals.
As a myriad of technological wonders increasingly dominate our professional lives, it becomes harder and harder to concentrate on any single item.
Have you read the grim news? The more you sit the worse it is for you.
With all that competes for your attention, and all of your daily and weekly responsibilities, is there not a moment to spare?
Many people have only a limited time away from work in a given week.
Late October is an excellent month to be outdoors.
Breathing is as essential to human life as food and water.
October is an excellent month to be outdoors.
All week long you can practice being more spiritual that add up quickly to your being a more spiritual person.
When you feel as if you're not being as productive as you could be, or that you have strayed from your desired path, ask yourself: "What is the most effective use of my time?"
Did you know that in some of the more swanky dining establishments, waiters are directed to place the check in front of the party who made the reservation?
As summer gives way to autumn, use the season to enhance your breathing space.
In audience after audience, I am confronted by executives in all types of industries who cannot bear to be away from their mobile devices for any protracted period.
For any relationship of consequence, given that the chemistry is there, character is largely the make or break factor.
In a Time Magazine feature titled, "Drowsy America," the director of Stanford University's sleep center concluded most adults ”no longer know what it feels like to be fully alert."
Chronic tiredness is characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for at least six months.
Working with your staff would be a cakewalk if the only tasks you ever requested of them were simple to tackle, easy to complete and well within their capabilities.
When you're tired, napping increases your alertness for the rest of the day.
For much of your career, you’ve read or heard that one of the key approaches to getting things done is to delegate effectively.
To establish and maintain your reputation as an authority in a chosen field, you need to ingest relevant information soon after it becomes available.
Consider the activities you undertake when you move to a new town.
In the 1st edition of my Breathing Space which appeared in 1990, I discussed five major trends -- what I called mega-realities -- that influenced every aspect of our being, and from which no one was immune. Briefly, these five mega-realities include:
Are you in debt?
Think back to your high school and college history classes: can you recall a nation in the history of the earth that accumulated huge deficits over a prolonged period of time, lacked a concerted effort towards reducing these deficits, yet was able to sustain economic prosperity for its citizens?
If you want to be more productive in your office and make optimal use of your travel time, I've found that there is no better way than to use your cellphone as a pocket dictator.
Sitting right where you are, with the fact that the world gains more than a quarter million people per day enables you to safely predict the following:
At Stanford University, the founder of the University's Sleep Center, Dr. Edward C. Dement, who passed away at 91 in January 2020, once said, "Most Americans no longer know what it feels like to be fully alert."
I attended a social gathering downtown. Arriving early, few others had arrived.
Deborah Benton, author of the classic book, Lions Don’t Need to Roar, finds that while it’s essential to be competent in one’s position, inspire confidence in others, act accordingly in business situations most people don’t make it to the top, or anywhere near there.
A huge variety of product offerings doesn’t aid us.
As we approach the month's half-way mark, here are some ideas to make the second half better than the first.
If Spring cleaning seems like too big a task, maybe it’s time to adopt some new strategies to the annual ritual:
The Attention Economy, by Thomas Davenport and John Beck is a classic.
Whether it’s a person, object, form of entertainment, place, or concept, everyone can be grateful for many things. I asked around and found out some of the things for which people express gratitude.
Over the last decade or more, you likely have found yourself being interrupted in the course of a work day with greater frequency.
Would you like to increase the positive vibes in your life?
Millionaire Mind Set by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley (Andrews McMeel) bears consideration even if you don’t have the goal of becoming a millionaire.
“What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger” is the title of a Kelly Clarkson song.
February is a short month, both in the number of calendar days, and in the length of the days themselves.
So much of what we read, think, and repeat is not exactly correct!
Everybody, everywhere, nearly all the time has about 6 to 8 significant problems, which could involve relationships, health, career, finances, or unresolved traumas and dramas.
A growing number of career professionals think that they're in an industry that uniquely contributes to stress.
You are going to live much longer than you think; perhaps you'll reach 100. One day, you might take time off to travel the world.
I found the words of Dr. William R. Maples, Ph.D., in describing suicide victims to be poignant.
I attended a lecture by one of the most well-known authors and speakers in America.
So far, 2022 does not seem much different from 2021.
As we take time out for the holidays, we have, perhaps, a moment to contemplate the power of concentration.
Between Christmas and the first week of the New Years is a great time for reflection, especially for career issues.
As you progress in your career, the goals and aspirations that you had during earlier years often don't match the ones that you now have.
If you smile at someone, they tend to smile back.
You're stalled in traffic on the interstate highway on a sweltering day in August when your car's air conditioner conks out.
Over the last ten years, you have found yourself being interrupted in the course of a work day with greater frequency.
Here are some tips to handle a computer (PC) virus attack.
Making your boss look good can only reflect favorably on you.
The practice of yoga goes back to 3000 B.C.
Rachel Remen, in her book My Grandfather's Blessings, tells a story about a doctor who had to deliver a baby in the hallway of the emergency room area.
In this ever-changing society, individuals are experiencing more pressures and stressors.
Now that more people are taking to the skies, depending upon whom you consult – gate agents, TSA officials, airline officials, airport spokespersons, and veteran travelers – you’ll receive a variety of responses as to when to arrive at the airport.
In the 1st edition of my Breathing Space which appeared in 1990, I discussed five major trends -- what I called mega-realities -- that influenced every aspect of our being, and from which no one was immune. Briefly, these five mega-realities include:
Something out of the ordinary could happen every other time you stand in front of a group.
Much has been discussed about multitasking and fortunately, much of what has been written exposes the myth that multitasking represents.
You've earned a vacation after many months of solid work.
In computer science, an interruption is a signal to a computing device that halts the execution of a program in progress so that some other action can proceed.
Much of human behavioral psychology can be explained by the simple phrase “behavior that is rewarded is repeated.”
Resilience has been described as the ability to bounce back from adversity.
The notion of staying longer after work to be more productive is a fallacy that will keep you chasing the clock.
In November 2015, I was privileged to speak on board the ship the Ruby Princess, which sailed to several ports in Australia and for New Zealand.
I grew up in Bloomfield Connecticut until I graduated from high school, then attended college and got a job.
Dividing your attention to complete multiple activities at once can make you less effective at everything you're doing.
There's no denying that you often face demanding, high pressure tasks, but that's no excuse for lack of exercise.
Organizations everywhere proudly proclaim that their people are their most important assets.
At Stanford University, the founder of the University's Sleep Center, Dr. Edward C. Dement, once said, "Most Americans no longer know what it feels like to be fully alert."
Based on a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, you need to be cautious as to when you stop consuming caffeine.
Inhale, exhale. Breathing is as essential to human life as food and water.
More and more people are spending countless hours per week using the internet, email, cell phones, and instant messenger connections.
Complexity confounds us. Debilitates us. It is frustrating.
A study by researchers Sara Mednick, Denise Cai, Jennifer Kanady, and Sean Drummond published in Behavioural Brain Research (2008) found that naps are better than caffeine for improving verbal memory, motor skills, and perceptual learning.
As you progress in your career, the goals and aspirations that you had during earlier years often don't match the ones that you now have. You might seek to take on more responsibility at work and to be paid more for your services. More Challenging Goals Here is an issue which is subjective and simply isn’t the same for everyone, yet there are common indicators that point to the right times to ‘up’ your goalsIf you’ve achieved some of your challenging goals in a fraction of the time you originally allocated, that’s a strong indication that you could set even more challenging goals, or keep them the same, but decrease the time frame for reaching them.Chip Eichelberger, formerly Tony Robbins’ International point man, has been a motivational speaker to 1000+ groups. He says that as your competence and expertise develop, and the ease with which you perform compared to others in your profession or industry is notable, that is as good a sign as any that it’s time to make your goals more challenging. Some notable examples will bring this topic to life. Oh, Oh, Oh, It’s Magic When Michigan State sophomore Magic Johnson won the NCAA basketball crown in 1979, he entered the NBA and became the starting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers. Among many other rookie stars that year, he sought to make his mark in the pro leagues, and be a major contributor to his team.During his first season, he received rave notices for his passing ability and leadership skills. During the NBA finals that year, against the Philadelphia 76ers, when All-Star center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was forced to miss the sixth and deciding game because of injury, Magic Johnson filled in at the center position.In an amazing performance, he scored 42 points and was named the finals MVP. As his Lakers team was crowned NBA champions, it was apparent even in his rookie season, that one championship for Magic wasn’t going to be enough. Any earlier goals he might have had regarding his performance, how the Lakers would fare, and what kind of champions they might be, suddenly became outdated. Consumer Advocacy Redefined Ralph Nader had been a one-man crusader for consumer rights in the middle of the last century. In the early 1960s, when he challenged the automobile industry through the court system and with his book, Unsafe at Any Speed, he was quickly hailed as a consumer advocate par excellence. The book, which went on to become a bestseller, documented the known risks and engineering shortcomings of the nation’s most popular selling cars.Whatever goals Nader had as a consumer advocate, following his sparkling victory in compelling the auto industry to increase its safety standards, soon became surpassed. Nader realized that one well-presented jury case was more impactful than 10,000+ protesters clanging on fences outside of General Motors headquarters.Not resting on his achievements, Nader initiated the Public Interest Resource Group (PIRG), which ultimately launched a branch in every state. He founded Common Cause, an organization and national magazine directed at illuminating the practices and procedures of special interest groups, in particular, when they ran contrary to the “common causes” that benefited so many more people.After that, Nader became an unbowed advocate of environmental protection. He relentlessly exposed corporate and multinational interests that appeared to act contrary to the wants and needs of larger society. In perspective, Nader’s whole career was one of choosing goals, and then by enlisting the dedication and support of legions of followers, – primarily volunteers, making his goals even more challenging.When everything inside of you cries out that you can reach your goals, and achieve even more, it is an appropriate time to make your goals more challenging. From His Dorm Room Michael Dell is the founder of Dell computers. As you might know, when he launched his company decades ago, it was from his college dormitory room! At many junctures throughout his career, in his 20s, 30s, 40s and now 50s, he has upped the ante in terms of the goals he has chosen.Today, this multimillionaire many times over sponsors one of the contests on the PGA golf tour, the Dell Technologies Championship. Dell has said that you don’t have to be a genius or visionary, or even a college graduate to be successful. “You simply need a framework and a dream.”
If only a simple method was available to predict when you will make a strong connection with someone, be it in a business situation, social situation, or otherwise.
You receive alerts all the time urging you to install software updates for the equipment and software that you use.
How many total days do you have to live? 24,000? Perhaps 32,000? Whatever the total, for many people, it's more than our counterparts of a generation ago.
Daily tasks can either drain or energize you.
At predictable times throughout the year things can get pretty hectic in your career.
Besides being regarded as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, what do these sites have in common: the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt; the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, in what is now Iraq; the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece; the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Turkey; the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, in what is now Bodrum, Turkey; the Colossus of Rhodes in Greece; and the Lighthouse at Alexandria, Egypt?
Organizations everywhere proudly proclaim that their people are their most important assets.
When you add it all up – serfdom, indentured servitude, slavery, the Holocaust, genocide, ethnic cleansing, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, dust bowls, pandemics, epidemics, famine, wars, human trafficking and every day skirmishes – it’s evident that a significant portion of the population has experienced, or has ancestors who have experienced horrendous times, conditions, or upbringings.
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