How Artificial Intelligence is Improving Efficiency

22/11/2019 7

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wonder of modern science that has made a lot of things possible that were unthinkable in the past. Now thanks to AI, many tasks can be done more quickly and more effectively. AI has increased the productivity of many industries. In this article, we will provide some examples of how artificial intelligence can be used to improve efficiency. 

Speed Data Analysis & Reporting

AI can be very helpful in improving the speed of data analysis and also to enhance the reporting time. The data are analyzed more accurately and the reporting time is also increased. AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data to draw conclusive reports. If the same work is given to any human the time required would be very high and also there would be a high possibility to do some kinds of error in the report.

24/7 Service

Unlike humans, AI does not need to rest and they can provide their service 24 hours a day. Humans can work up to a minimum time and they can't be consistent in their performance all day long. On the other hand, AI is essentially a machine that does not get tired or bored. It can work all day giving the same performance and consistency throughout the whole day. This improves the efficiency of the business and make the industry runs smoother and more effectively. There is also lower chances of error if the job is done by an AI.

Process Automation

After the invention of AI, many of the complex processes have now been automated. There is no need for any human support to do those processes. Many of the microservices are automatically provided by the AI. An example of microservices can be application deployment which used to be a very tedious and boring task for the developers and now it can be done easily with the help of an AI. Many other complex processes have been automated reducing the cost of the business industry and also reducing the effort of the employees.

Better Analytics

AI can be used widely in data analytics. AI is good at processing algorithms and use them to extract meaningful information from a very large sum of data. The business collects data on a large scale regularly so they can be analyzed to develop better strategies to get more customers. These data are very hard to be analyzed properly as they contain a huge amount of information. With the help of AI, these data can be processed quickly and a detailed report can also be generated quickly. This is very helpful in the workplace and increases the efficiency of the business industry as a whole.

Increasing security

AI is very helpful in increasing the security of a network, an application or a website. A network, application or a website contains vital information and trade secrets of a business that is very essential for any business to protect. AI can be used to enhance protective measures in the network of the business. AI has revolutionized the cybersecurity industry making changes to the processes of cybersecurity and detecting abnormalities in the network. A system is more protected when AI technology is implemented to maintain the security of a network.

Providing better Customer Support

AI is now used to provide customer support to users that are visiting the website of a business. It is reducing costs as companies need to hire less customer service agents. But it is essential to understand the proper balance between a human and a machine. There are certainly some limitations to AI when it comes to providing customer support to the users. It is important to realize that in which parts of the customer service experience AI is to be implemented. If implemented properly AI can save a lot of costs for businesses. 

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  • Neil Davenport

    Simply put, AI is the future of business

  • Daniel Jones

    Everything has become automated these days

  • Aron Mair

    We haven't seen the true potential of AI

  • Liam Harwood

    What a time to be alive !!!

  • Πάνος Λαδόπουλος

    That's good for us....

  • Nathan Wood

    I fear the day when machines will control our faith

  • Gareth Thomson

    Customer service still needs a human touch