Top 7 Features of Developing iOS Applications

Anas Bouargane 03/12/2020 1

iOS — is a world-wide known operating system.

Apple released the iOS in 2007. In this article, we will review the peculiarities of developing iOS applications. The knowledge of these features will help you develop your own application for iOS from scratch. If you are not a developer, you can place your order on developers iOS website. The team of professional software developers will implement your ideas. In a short term they will create an application for iOS according to all the guidelines. Let’s get acquainted with these features.

1. iOS updates

Any changes to the operating systems (OS) and its underlying APIs used by developers can cause problems for app creators. Not only is Apple aggressively rolling out major software updates and introducing new features, but it is also pushing these changes quickly. Developers should constantly check their applications for compliance with the current OS.

2. Swift

Until recently, the programming language for iOS was Objective C. It is quite heavy and requires a lot of time to study. Therefore, to simplify training and make development faster, Apple presented its own programming language for iOS - Swift. It provides the best environment for creating iOS and OS X apps, focusing on simplicity. We recommend working in native languages, i.e. native languages for operating systems. This allows you to implement a maximum of functions and technical solutions that will work correctly.

3. Screen

Currently, developers prefer to design an iOS app for the smallest size-the iPhone SE with a screen size of 320pt x 568pt. They do this to avoid incorrect display of content on small screens. There are also developers who prefer to directly design apps for iPhone 12.

4. The architecture of device

You can get a basic understanding of the app architecture and the basic principles used in writing them from the iOS App Programming Guide. It will help you choose the right architectural solutions. In the end you will get a final application that will meet user requests.

5. Interface

The iOS developers must follow the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. HIG are general recommendations for developing the user interface for iOS. 

6. System Font

San Francisco is the system font for iOS. It was created for maximum comfort when reading, that is, it is designed to be legible and as simple as possible. Remember that each user can change the font size of the OS. Your app must adapt to all the iPhones. 

7. Apple's App Publishing Policy in App Store

After you have developed the app yourself or used the help of developers iOS, the time of publication comes. App Store has strict requirements that must be met when publishing an app. When developing the design, it is important to follow all the style guidelines. Moreover, you must ensure the confidentiality of the user's personal data. Take into account the stability of the application during operation, and it's usefulness. You must also take into account all the publishing requirements that are imposed by the AppStore. 

- Follow all criteria when creating architecture and design;

- Take the necessary security measures to ensure the confidentiality of user data;

- Guarantee the stable operation of the application, which is accompanied by the solution of the tasks set by the user.

Advantages of Developing an App for iPhone

A. Efficient Operation in Case of a Slow Internet Connection or Lack of It

The application loads reusable resources during a one-time installation and update. These resources are graphics, multimedia, interface and so on. It is much more difficult or even impossible to achieve this effect on websites.

B. Convenience

The research shows that apps are more popular than similar sites for a very simple reason. They are more convenient to use. In addition, mobile apps improve the user experience. They load the view faster, and they are usually easier to use because they are optimized for a specific screen size.

C. Push Notifications Increase Customer Loyalty and Can Better Influence Their Behaviour

D. Personalization and Customization Options

It's much easier to give users the ability to change preferences and settings in mobile apps than on a standard mobile or responsive website.

E. Enhanced Security

The app is placed in the AppStore with several additional security rules.

F. More Opportunities for Earning and Accepting Micropayment

The selling in mobile apps is easy, because we have mobile payment systems. Paid mobile apps have more earning potential than a website offering paid access to a premium account.

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  • Kyle Hollow

    Thanks Anas that was helpful