Why You Should Use Tech to Preserve Your Family Photos

The process of transitioning from our old analog lives into a digital one isn’t stopping any time soon.

Even though we’re inundated with images every day online, many of which are taken and shared within seconds, the majority of the world’s photos still sit stored away in boxes or dusty albums. With the recent influx of time at home, now’s the perfect opportunity to hop on that tech train and digitize your old family photo albums into the modern-day.

It might seem daunting at first, but scanning your old photos into a digital collection is a critical step towards preserving your family history. Here’s why you should take the leap and let the tech be your best friend for saving all of those nostalgia-inducing family photos.

Easily Manage Massive Collections

You’ve chosen the perfect moments to capture after a lifetime of experiences. A true shutterbug might have thousands upon thousands of photos stashed away and that doesn’t even account for any inherited photos. Inheriting family photos is all too common and could include multiple generations' worth of photos heading back to the early days of photography. At some point, having dozens of albums or boxes is simply not practical. Digitizing those photos allows for easier archiving and management of your photos without the physical storage space and unnecessary clutter.

There are a few ways to digitize your photos, including scanning them with a flatbed scanner or sending your entire collection out for professional digitalization, however, those options take a ton of time and/or money to complete. With the Photomyne Photo Scanner app, you can digitize an entire album in minutes — literally. You can even scan multiple photos at once — I.e. within an album or scattered on a table — and the app will automatically crop each photo and restore its color before saving them together in a digital album.

Once your photos are scanned, you’ll have all of your family photos in one convenient place to share and enjoy. Searching through them is even easier if you add metadata too. Just like before, you can organize your photos and albums as you choose — by date, person, location, etc., — however those details can now be digitally attached to your photos. Share the story of a photo or album and every detail can live alongside the photo. That way, when it’s your turn to pass along the family’s photo legacy, your descendants will know exactly who’s in the photo and what’s going on, even decades later.

Protect Against Unforeseen Disasters

Shifting your mindset from paper to digital photos is understandably not easy, especially for those less tech-savvy individuals. However, it could save your photos from disaster. As fires rage with more fury and hurricanes and tsunamis hit harder seemingly every year, it’s vital to protect your mementos from nature’s wrath. When grabbing essentials on-the-go, piling albums into the car is the last thing you want to do. Even overcurious kids could bring a storm through your photos, causing irreparable damage. Scanning your photos gives you the peace of mind that yours and your family’s memories are secure and accessible from wherever you are thanks to cloud storage. 

Inject Life Into old Photos

Technology is here to help when it comes to photography. Even though old photos tend to fade over time, Photomyne automatically restores the color so they can look just as beautiful as the moment they were taken. You can go even further with photo editing apps. Not everyone is Annie Leibovitz or Ansel Adams and has the eye for the perfect shot. Apps like Instasize allow you to find the right aesthetic by adjusting the photo’s levels and adjust the image size for easy sharing on social media. These touch-ups can be exactly what your family photos need to live on.

Tech is also the best way to revive the memories stuck within older photography formats like slides or in film negatives. No one wants to reach for the slide projector to show off family vacation photos or hold negatives to a window and guess what’s happening in the inverted image. Apps like SlideScan and FilmBox will turn those small translucent images into real photos that you can add to your digital collection. That way, no memory gets left behind.

Whether you have mountains of albums or boxes of negatives, it’s definitely worth finding the right apps to help scan all of your photos and secure your family's legacy into the future.

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  • Rob Siebuhr

    I am definitely using these tips to preserve my photographs

  • Michael Clark

    Thanks a lot, super helpful