Issac Thomas Content Marketing Expert

Issac is the author of Something Between Him And Her- His First Kiss and co-author of The Growth Hacking book series. He loves dissecting SaaS tools and writing about SaaS. In his free time, he loves binge-watching Netflix and gorging on books. His BBN Times column will be about content marketing, SaaS, movies, writing, and life. If you want to know more about him, Follow him on TwitterInstagram and connect with him on LinkedIn.

10 Automation Tools to Optimize Lead Generation, Marketing, and Sales

10 Automation Tools to Optimize Lead Generation, Marketing, and Sales

Marketing has seen a drastic change in the last few years and a lot of business owners are constantly looking for new ways to stay on top.

39 Tweets That Summarize The Spirit of the 3rd True Influence Summit

39 Tweets That Summarize The Spirit of the 3rd True Influence Summit

Successful B2B brands large and small know that accurate, reliable data drives revenue.

Why is IGTV the Least Used Feature on Instagram?

Why is IGTV the Least Used Feature on Instagram?

A 1-minute video on Instagram gains more traction than an IGTV video.

The Sky Belongs to Everyone, be it a Swan or a Crow

The Sky Belongs to Everyone, be it a Swan or a Crow

I woke up with a heavy head this morning.

Why Organizations Should Create Their Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Why Should Organizations Create Their Marvel Cinematic Universe To Improve Their Marketing Strategy?

According to Forrester, it takes buyers 11.4 pieces of content to make a purchasing decision.

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