Issac Thomas Content Marketing Expert

Issac is the author of Something Between Him And Her- His First Kiss and co-author of The Growth Hacking book series. He loves dissecting SaaS tools and writing about SaaS. In his free time, he loves binge-watching Netflix and gorging on books. His BBN Times column will be about content marketing, SaaS, movies, writing, and life. If you want to know more about him, Follow him on TwitterInstagram and connect with him on LinkedIn.


Exploring the Potential of Blockchain Technology in your Organisation

Internet was the big revolution in the 90s, and as we entered the 21st century, the Internet took all of us in the digital era. Now, the world is planning to go through another revolution - the decentralisation Revolution - and the signs have started showing up.


Content is the Kingdom, Customer is the King

Content is the king you say, it is no more a king. The digital age along with the outburst of content across all social media platforms has made it a kingdom. A kingdom ruled by the customer - Yes, you read it right, the customer is the new king. A new study from TrackMaven says that though brands and businesses are investing their money in implementing greater and better content strategies engagement has been getting lower than ever. This is an outcome that a simple supply-and-demand analysis could have predicted, but keeping all the reports and observations aside, a content explosion over the digital space has made customer the king. Now the customer has a choice, the power of choice.


How do Successful Brands do Content Marketing?

Recently, I came across MentorBox, a company that has a different business model as compared to Amazon. Amazon sells books, MentorBox too, but its product, positioning, targeting and marketing — everything is 180 degrees different from Amazon.


Tackling Cyber Attacks in the Healthcare Sector

The healthcare sector is one of the most risk-prone sectors to cyber attacks across the globe. With consistent cyber attacks on the healthcare sector in recent times. It can be said that this growing sector has undoubtedly caught the attention of cyber attackers.


If You Have an Idea, Can you Start a Business?

Ideas are something that keeps popping our restless minds. Our mind is flooded with countless thoughts every day. And deep down many of us have this desire to start a business, a wish to own a startup. When you slog and hustle hard for someone else, this self-awakening thought always comes up. If I put in the same amount of hard work in my own thing, in my own business? Damn, I would be rich. Why should I work as a slave to someone else? But then inspiration is perishable and as those thoughts that motivated you fly away in thin air, so does your will to make things happen.

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