10 Reasons You Might Not Need to Move to Bigger Business Premises

Felix Yim 05/01/2024

A well-designed and optimized workspace layout can make the most of your current premises.

I bet you've had those daydreams - imagining your business so booming that you have to upgrade to a swanky, spacious new office.

Or perhaps you're in a bit of a pickle, thinking you've outgrown your current space? Before you start thumbing through estate agent listings, clutching a cuppa for emotional support, let’s hit the brakes. Shifting base might not be the only option. The world is changing, and maybe it's time our perception of 'space' did too. So, here are some reasons you might not need those bigger premises after all.

1. The Rise of Remote Working

Ah, the wonders of technology! You don’t need to squeeze everyone into one office anymore. With the magic of the internet, your team can be scattered from England to India. Think about it. Fewer desks, less clutter, and let's be honest, less time making those big rounds of tea.

2. Flexi-Hours to the Rescue

Another saviour of the modern age, flexi-hours means that not everyone needs to be in the office at the same time. It's like magic, but without the wand. With a well-scheduled rota, you can have a full team but use only half the space.

3. Warehouse Management Systems

Ever considered warehouse management systems (WMS) for your business? If not, you definitely should because, if you’re drowning in inventory, a WMS can be your lifejacket. By efficiently organising stock, it optimises space like nobody’s business. Who needs a bigger storage room when your current one suddenly seems twice as large, and who needs more staff when the software can take care of things for you?

4. Go Paperless, You Won’t Regret It

You’d be gobsmacked at how much space those big bulky filing cabinets take up. Plus, let’s not even talk about the environmental implications. Time to embrace the digital age, get yourself a reliable cloud storage system, and release all that imprisoned floor space.

5. Hot Desking Hotness

It’s not just a trendy buzzword, it's a space-saver. With hot desking, your team doesn’t have assigned seating. They grab a spot that's free, plug in, and get cracking. It's a bit like musical chairs, just without the tunes. It means you need fewer desks overall and can utilise space more creatively.

6. Vertical is Virtuous

Who said everything has to be spread out horizontally? If you’ve got a bit of height in your premises, use it! Tall storage units, hanging space, and mezzanines can turn your workspace into a multi-level marvel.

7. Multi-purpose Spaces

Your meeting room doesn’t just have to be for meetings. With a bit of imagination and some nifty furniture, can transform into a workspace, a break area, or even a spot for Friday afternoon yoga sessions. Flexibility is key!

8. The Magic of Minimalism

Perhaps it's time to channel your inner Marie Kondo? Do you really need that ancient photocopier that jams more than it prints? Or that promotional stand from a 2009 trade show? Declutter, keep only what sparks joy (or is essential for work), and watch your space expand. Yes, this might take some time and it could disrupt the office a little (trey to do it at the weekend if possible( but once it’s done, you will all be much happier with more space and no expensive office space upgrades (a dn all the upheaval that comes with them) to worry about.

9. Rent Storage Space

you’ve got stuff that you only use occasionally (like event gear or seasonal stock), why not consider renting some external storage space? s often a smidgen of the cost of moving to a bigger office, and of course, it is much more flexible than having to hire whole new premises, because you can rent more or less space depending on the needs of the business at any given time period, and often with very little notice.

10. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Sound a bit sci-fi? Well, the future is now. Virtual meetings or showrooms mean you don't need to dedicate real-world space to those annoying meetings where you either have to rent space, upgrade your own space, or squash everyone in like sardines. It’s not just for gamers anymore!

So, there you have it. Ten pretty compelling reasons why you might just be perfectly fine where you are. Remember, it's not about how much space you have, but how you use it. Think outside the box, utilise modern solutions, and who knows? That 'too small' space might just end up feeling like a sprawling manor. Cheers to being space-savvy!

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