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6 years

6 Real Time Applications of Artificial Intelligence

In the recent past, one of the technologies that has been gaining momentum is artificial intelligence aka AI. When customers were surveyed about the next big thing that is trending, 26% said artificial intelligence.

6 years

Dear Leaders: You Aren't That Good

Sitting in the conference room, I watched a familiar scenario play out in front of me the way it had many times prior.  One person talked for most of the time, while walking around the room with a sense of ownership and a raised voice like some kind of monarch. The people sitting around the conference table (his subjects) nodded their heads in agreement, giving eye rolls to one another privately, and speaking up only to confirm a point or to give a quick status update.  

6 years

Modern Leadership Boils Down to Two Choices

Just this week I have had five different people tell me they were struggling to be an effective leader. I wasn't surprised; leading other people is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet.  What did strike me as odd was that when pressed, each person mentioned various challenges, but always ended the conversation with the same response;

6 years

Email Marketing Strategy Plan

A hard truth about a successful strategy is that it doesn’t come easy. A strategy is a plan which is aimed to achieve certain goals. It requires detailed research to define your business goals and a course of action that decides how you can achieve the same.

6 years

We Need an Innovation Principle Alongside the Precautionary Principle

The precautionary principle states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public, or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is not harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action. The application of the precautionary principle has been made a statutory requirement in some areas of EU law.

6 years

How to use Innovation Journey Mapping to speed up Innovation

The Customer Journey Map is a popular management tool. It is a visual representation of customer interactions with a company and a tool to investigate, analyse and thus improve customer experiences. Let's borrow the tool and adapt it for our purposes.

6 years

Why your Business Should have a Brand Tagline

Does your business have a brand tagline? A brand tagline is indeed one of the key brand elements that boost brand recognition. It is the second thing that users remember after your brand logo. In short, it is an epitome of what your organization is all about.