Content Marketing Hacks To Increase Your Reach

Novnish Ramesh 25/03/2021 5

Don't underestimate the attention span of your audience.

Your Target audience are like kids.

They don’t have a lot of time and are always skimming and scanning content.

You better get them interested but how?

They need to find something attractive so they don’t move on and this is your job to make your writing easy to read.

1. Include Breaks

Just like driving on roads you have speedbumps and stop signs, you need a similar way in long text and content to give relaxation to the eyes so they do not get tired and bored.

So add bold text or icons or images or text or paragraph breakers with a short sub headlines.

2. Plan Ahead Before You Communicate

We always love rushing onto LinkedIn and other social media platforms typing out furiously what comes to our mind in the fear that we may forget our amazing ideas.

Never do this, take the time to outline somewhere your main points, you can even use these main points as your breakers or sub headers. 

3. Build Brand Name Loyalty

Plant the seeds of brand recognition in your posts, in the hopes that the seeds will grow into lifetime relationships. This can greatly increase the likelihood that your followers will follow through your journey.

So try these tips the next time you write content and I bet you will dramatically see your engagement go up. Let me know your thoughts.

Trust me and stay tuned for more tips soon.

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  • Andy Cole

    Valuable info

  • Scott Andrews

    This is excellent !

  • Mark Cook

    Straight to the point, our attention span has decreased, this is so true.

  • Anthony Dowell


  • Ross Smith

    Thanks for the info